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s h a t t e r e d h e a r t s

c h a p t e r 22

My eyes eye the familiar surroundings of the forest with this confusion as I can't even figure out what I'm doing here. I have no memories of coming here. The last thing I remember... was Sam. I look around for Sam but I can't see him anywhere. I stand there confused as I have no idea why I'm here in this forest. While I can see that I'm in the familiar sight of the forest there is something around here that is different, but I can't explain what that is. There is this feeling that I have inside me that tells me something is different.

As if there is something odd here. I know that in nature there are animals that move things around and perhaps even damage or change things. Yet, this odd feeling is still present and it doesn't appear to be leaving and I don't know why it's still there. I can't explain the feelings that I have inside me. Then again after all the pain that I've felt, there is no wonder that I can't tell anymore what my heart is going through as it's still mending from that agony that I suffered through not that long ago.

"As saddened that I am for the pain that you have gone through, please do not dwell on it for without that pain I could not have brought to you the one that who you were meant to love" A familiar voice speaks and I turn around to be facing my mother. Tears form in my eyes when I see her standing there, in all her glory. It has not been that long since my mother had left this world as she passed away and yet I see her stand right there. A smile on her face and love in her eyes.

A tear rolls down from one of my eyes as I see her there. "Mom?" I ask. I can't believe that she's even here in front of me as it was not that long ago that I had watched as her coffin was laid into the ground and she was nop long with us. She laughs. That laughter which I have heard so many times and it always sounds the same. That cheerful laugh has always made me feel like everything's going to be all right. That all the problems in the world just disappear. As if they never even existed in the first place.

Seeing her there, I just can't believe that she is there. For a moment I think that I'm dreaming, but at the same time I know for a fact that I'm not dreaming. Without even knowing how I know that. I can just feel it within me and I don't think that there is a reason for it. "My darling, the world might appear to be against you but if you look closer, you would see the world only wants your success" She speaks to me. I don't understand her at all now.

I shake my head at her. "I don't understand" I say. I take a step towards my mother and look at her closer. Trying to understand how my mother is in front of me. The same woman that died not that long ago. I may not have been the sister that was in the room when our mother died, but I know that my mother did pass away. I saw her body in the coffin and I had said goodbye to her for the final time. I touched her hand and held her cold lifeless hand and truly saw that I would never see my mother again.

While I should feel more panic than I do and when I should be terrified that my dead mother is in front of me, I'm not. And I have no idea why that is. Like I can't even feel that panic or fear. But not in the sense that someone or something is making me not feel the emotions that I should be feeling. "I have watched you your entire life, from the moment you came from my womb. So beautiful and so gentle little baby. I loved you from the moment I laid my eyes upon you" She says to me.

"Your beauty and your kindness grew as you did. It was an honor to watch you grow up from a baby to a young woman that I see now. Your pain is what gives you strength and will guide you towards the future that is waiting for you. I understand that you feel confused and you might feel like things are so far from reality but the truth will always come up. Even when all try to cover it up, the truth is soon to appear and the truth is about to be revealed to you, my dear" My mother says.

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