c o r r e l a t e

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s h a t t e r e d  h e a r t s

c h a p t e r  26

Sometimes the world is so confusing that nothing makes sense but it is at that moment that things actually become so confusing that they begin to make sense. I have no idea how but perhaps it has something to do with the fact that we're always trying to understand but what if we don't understand, then we would understand. Maybe I'm just only confusing myself with all this nonsense but maybe I'm right. Because after many hours of staying in the same car as Sam, though I did enjoy every second of those hours, I'm met with something so confusing.

Maybe the way that the world was designed that knowledge is the least of the things that we should be seeking. Rather we should accept the fact that we are meant to stay in the unknown. It's a strange to think that we aren't meant to know everything about the world. I just learned that all humans are dead and there are no left. Everyone was led to believe that humans still existed and we needed to hide ourselves from them. Otherwise they would hunt us down and kill all of us and do who knows what with all of us.

The car does drive to the gate and what I thought would be this strangest gates of them all is not even that strange at all. I don't even know how it is possible but this gateway that we are supposed to enter is just a simple gate. It is styled in a very old style where it appears to be this prison cell like iron bars that two people on either side of the gate have to push some lever to lift the gate up. It does appear to be the most ordinary old fashion gate and when I look at the other side, I don't really know what I'm seeing.

It's sort of blurry for me so that I'm not sure what is on the other side. However, the gate is standing in front of this rocky mountain and somehow it's like the mountain is hollow and perhaps it is. I hold Sam's hand, as if I'm not even sure what is going to happen. I have this fear that we're going to crash into that rock when we drive through the gate but I'm not even sure what is going to happen. Sam seems to sense that I'm afraid and holds my hand tightly.

Showing me that I have nothing to be afraid of. When I'm with Sam, I know that I don't have to be afraid of anything. That everything is going to be all right now. We are together and there is nothing in this world that can ever tear us apart ever again and I will fight to the death to keep him with me and I will protect him from anything. The car we're in is in a car line that is going through the gate and we wait patiently in this line.

It does make me happy that Sam does not use his King status to get ahead of the line. He's actually just staying in line like everyone else and waiting. It makes me admire him a lot for it. Maybe it is because Sam never wanted to be King in the first place or maybe he's doing it because of me, I'm not even sure anymore. "Are you nervous?" Sam ask me. However, I think that he already knows they answer for that questions. "Yes. A bit. I'm with you so it isn't that much" I tell him softly.

Sam only gives me a gentle look as he holds me. He's always so kind and it makes me feel like he will always think of me when I need it and I will always think of him when he needs it. I take a deep breath. "Are you nervous?" I ask him the same question that he asked me. "Yes. Not as much as I would be without you" He tells me. Sam gives me a small wink that makes me roll my eyes and let out a small laugh, the smile on my face does not leave me.

Nor can it leave me when I'm with him anyway. "When we get there, I think that it's best that we go to our bedroom and you rest there for a bit. Food will be given to you and anything that will make you feel comfortable. While, I go and take care of everything" Sam says. I shake my head at his words. "No, I'm not leaving you. Sam, you are the King but I will be the Queen, remember and anything that is wrong we can fix together. Besides, I can't rest if I'm not with you" I tell him.

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