p u r g a t o r y

986 37 1

s h a t t e r e d h e a r t s

c h a p t e r 5

My eyes force themselves open to be met with the ceiling of Nik's room. Wait, how did I get in here? I can't seem to remember how I got here or what I am doing in his bedroom. The last thing that I can remember is being in the kitchen and then nothing. It confuses me why I am here. I sit up on the bed and what confuses me the most is that I don't feel any sort of pain at all. It makes me wonder what had happened and why I don't feel any pain nor the agony that my body  has been going through for some time now.

Still, I don't feel anything. I do feel my body, I can feel my toes as I move them along with my fingers. The only difference is that there is no pain or any kind of torment that I've felt. As if it had never even been there at all. His room hasn't changed a bit, then again Nik is the type of person that hates changes. He likes having things in order, which doesn't come in handy to have a friend like me that is always messing up everything that he does.

I sit on the bed and think about what happened yet no matter how much I try to remember, I can't seem to be able to remember a thing after I walked into the kitchen. If something had taken place there, then I can't recall any of it. And the pain isn't here, I can't feel it boiling under my skin or my heart feeling like it is endlessly being stabbed. There is simply no pain or anything at all. While, I can feel my body, I don't find that  I am myself.

Something is different about me, what that is I don't know. Standing up from the bed I walk towards the window as I have not heard any sounds coming from outside. The sun is high on the sky and the weather seems to be perfect for people to be out there. My eyes can't spot a single person out there, as if no one wants to take this great opportunity and play outside in what seems to be a warm weather.

This all only adds to my confusion. I walk towards the door. Put my hand on the handle and open the door but when I try to do so, the door doesn't open. In fact, it appears to be locked. What? If there is one thing that I know about Nik it is that he never locks his bedroom door. When we were children he got trapped in a room that was on fire. Because of that he became terrified of locked doors and that is why he never locks it. To have the door locked now does make it even more puzzling to me.

I try to open the door again and again, but it doesn't open. It's locked shut. Sighing I put my ear to the door to listen for anyone that is walking in the hallway, but I find no one. I have often heard footsteps in the hallway when someone is walking, from Nik's bedroom and the one that I share with Katherine. However, there is not a single person that is walking now. For a couple of minutes I stay there by the door, listening for someone. It would not work to knock or scream.

By doing that I would only be wasting my breath and hurting my throat while doing so which is not what I want to do. There are few sounds that can be heard in the hallways (despite having hearing stronger than the average human) around here. Footsteps can be heard for because they are so close, and they echo with this strange frequency that even I don't understand yet but Werewolves are able to hear footsteps when close by. It is a sense I suppose. However, yelling in this house does very little, unless someone is really close by.

I turn to the window and look outside again. Still I see no one out there, and no one to signal to let me out of here. How I got trapped in Nik's bedroom is out of my mind and I have no idea why someone would lock me in here. Clearly I did not walk in here myself, locked the door and called it a day. I may get myself into trouble every so often, but I'm not that dumb, besides the only key that this room has is in Nik's mother's room, which I am not walking into.

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