a g o n y

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s h a t t e r e d h e a r t s

c h a p t e r 1

We laugh as we walk out of the restaurant, after being kicked out of it. I hold his hand in mine as we walk into the night. Barely able to control our own laughter and now caring who sees us. Let them watch. "Did you see their faces?" He asks me as we look at each other. I can't help but burst out of laughing once again. "How could I not?" I ask, even when I was not really looking for an answer.

"Come on, it's best we head home. Otherwise, your mom would have our heads" I say as I start to drag him towards the Pack House. He only laughs as he allows me to pull him, despite him being much stronger than I am. "She would have my head, definitely spare yours. I'm sure my own mother loves you more than she does me" He jokes. I roll my eyes, but it is impossible to not smile. "I'm just likable and besides, you're always getting into trouble while I remain the angel" I say to him.

My lips curl into a smirk as he looks down at me. "Because of you. I'm the one that gets you out of trouble by getting into trouble" He says, and I laugh. "Yes, well that's on you" I joke. He laughs as he gently pushes me to the side. "You're going to drive me crazy one day, you know that right?" He asks me, I just giggle and give him an innocent smile. "Who, me? I don't think so. You're doing that on your own" I tell him, and we burst into laughter.

The way back to the Pack House is not long yet when we're together it becomes the shortest walk in the world. It is because there is never a moment that we're bored, there is always these jokes that are being passed on and just pure fun that we share. Once we make it to the Pack House we sneak right inside to not be seen. "Do you think they're waiting for us?" I whisper to him as we enter into the house itself, seeing that all lights have been turned off and the silence is all that we are greeted with.

He sends me a knowing look, as if he were to tell me that they are definitely waiting for us. Technically we are not supposed to be out at this time of night, and we are definitely in trouble for it. It is all worth it as we got to spend some time together and that is all that matters to us, to me. We sneak through the Pack House until we reach the hallway that leads to our bedrooms which are side by side. We stop right in our tracks when two people stand in our way.

Behind me, he slightly pushes me forward. I look back and glare at him before I face his mother and my father. "It's not what it looks like, I promise" I say with an innocent smile on my face. I meet my father's gaze who is glaring at Nik behind me. When I meet the gaze from Nik's mom, I see that her sweet glance at me darken once she looks over at her son I wasn't joking when I said that she loved me because she does. "Then why did I get a call from a restaurant guarding a complaint of two teenagers pretending to be engaged" My father says.

I can't help but smile at that. Earlier this evening I had the incredible idea to go to that restaurant to have some food, and somehow together we wanted to have some fun and said we were soon to be married. It was hilarious when they found out that we weren't going to be married. Around here if Nik is going to marry, it will be a big deal. And, everyone knows that he will marry me. Eventually. Besides, what is the harm to announce it now?

"We-" I trail off as I look at Nik to ask for some help, but it seems that he has backed away a bit further. I glare at him even more before turning around to look at my father. "We were just having fun" I say and give both of them an innocent smile, trying my best to not get into trouble. Even when I know that won't be possible. I back away and elbow him in the stomach to go forward. "It's my birthday tomorrow and Anna wanted me to have some fun before all the boring stuff begins" He says.

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