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s h a t t e r e d h e a r t s

c h a p t e r 14

I wonder how I've never been able to see that before. Sam is and always has been my Mate. And deep within my broken heart, I've realized this and perhaps even know about it the entire time. I knew there was something about his voice and him that made everything better, that changed me. It made me want to always listen to him, and I did listen to him. I did heed what he has said to me. Maybe Katherine and Nik truly are Mates, and I'm the one that's ruining everything for them instead of the other way around.

That doesn't make sense because I felt the rejection and I felt how he rejected me and how much agony I was in because he did reject me and then the entire Pack rejected me. Which, is different as well. I know one thing, and that is that I can't stay here. I can't stay somewhere that I'm not wanted. It won't be long before they throw me out anyway, and I think it would be better if I were to get out here before that happened. Save everyone the trouble of throwing me out, besides, they have more important things to worry about.

Standing up from Nik's bed, I go to the door and open it. I make sure that the hallway is clear before I walk to my bedroom, the one that I share with Katherine or shared. She now is in his room. I've not been to this room since the night that they shared their most intimate one. Slowly, I open the door after I'm sure that they aren't in there. Turning on the light, I'm met with a mess. All of Nik's things that were in his room have been dumped on the ground, not even cared for, and Katherine's side of the room has nearly all been cleared out.

Then I look at my side to see that it's the same as it had been when I left it, except for the marks on the ground where I had literally clawed off my fingernails. The scratches are there to stay unless someone fixes the floor. If I look close enough, I can even see that there are still hints of dried blood on there. I look past that to see my bed and everything that I own. It's not much, some things that I own that hold memory.

Realizing that all of these are just objects, just things that don't really have any value to me. They did in the past, but too much has happened since then, and I'm not the same girl as I had been before. I walk over to my bed and sit down. "There you are, we've been looking everywhere for you" A familiar voice speaks. The Pack Healer says. I look towards the door to see that she's standing there with a smile on her face. She walks over to me and sits down next to me and takes my hand.

"I have news for you" She tells me. I look up to meet her eyes that are as cheery as they always have been. I don't even think I want to hear this, but I should give her the benefit of the doubt. I suppose she has been the only one that has been kind to me since all of this happened to me. Though, that is only because it's in her nature to be kind to everyone and to help and aid us. She's the Pack Healer, she was gifted those abilities for a reason after all.

I give her a look to tell me what she has come here to say, she obviously has gone through the trouble to track me down. Which, I have to say, not that many have done and even fewer are willing to do so. "I got a call from Sam just moments ago, and he's decided that he's coming here. The Alpha has already approved of it, and he will need to get the papers and everything, but he has decided that he's coming to this Pack sometime in the next few days" She says, and my jaw drops open.

Not only did I just realize that Sam is my Mate and the one that I love, but also is he coming here. I stare at her as if she has grown two heads, and perhaps she has, I'm not certain of it, but I'm pretty sure that she has because the news that she has just revealed to me are too much to be true. With my luck and with the way that my life has been these last few days, something terrible was bound to happen. This is the opposite of terrible, this is something fantastic, even.

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