c y c l e

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s h a t t e r e d h e a r t s

c h a p t e r 28

Throughout the next couple of days, this routine started which I have to admit is comfortable and Sam will have to agree as well. The first thing that we do when we wake up is hold each other. Which, for us isn't that hard since when we sleep, we are holding each other. We talk for some minutes. Just something light. When we then stand up, we take a shower. Not together though, not yet. But, it will happen soon. I know that, and I want that to happen soon enough, but if we do, I'm not sure either one of us will be able to control ourselves.

It has been happening lately that we have been having a hard time controlling ourselves when around one another. There have been times that we've ripped the clothes off of each other and kissed so deeply that we never wanted to stop. We did have to stop though. We're not ready for that yet and while the desire is growing with each passing day, we do have to stop. After the shower, we dress and head to the dining room for breakfast. Always when I enter the dining room, I'm shocked.

Even after a couple of days here, I find that I'm shocked. Because there is always so much food that is prepared for us. In each and every meal. I know for a fact that every bit of food will be eaten because after we have done eating, the food that is left is given to the staff and even beyond. Nothing gets wasted and everything is eaten. Sam and I are alone in the dining room when we eat breakfast. Partly because we are the first ones to wake up. We wake up around five in the morning.

Some might say that we're waking up far too early and some might say we're waking up late. I suppose that depends on the one that says it. Sam and I think that it's just the perfect time. Every so often when we eat, we take our food to the garden where we sit and watch the sunrise. It's so beautiful. Sam was right. This world is just like the one I was in, the sun rises like on earth and it looks the same. I don't understand how it is possible but I've learned to just accept it and not question it because there is no answer to those questions.

After breakfast, Sam and I, unfortunately, go our separate ways at least for the time being. While I go to the Elder to train the powers that I'm supposed to have inside of me, Sam goes to meetings and such which he hates. One day I will be there right beside him and only then do I think that he will like them. Being King isn't something that he likes but I have seen that he's good at it and he's kind and just. Just like I know that he would be.

Training isn't that bad either. The Elder is patient with me. Though, with each day that passes, I come to realize that I may not be this Queen that they want me to be. She keeps telling me that there is a power inside me that needs to be let out. That I can possess magical abilities. I've not been able to do anything remotely related to magic. She has had me try to bend fire to my will, lift water with my mind, and grow the earth with a touch of my finger and create a storm with my emotions.

None of it works. Nothing happens and I've honestly begun to doubt that I have these abilities inside me after all. She is patient but for how long will she remain so? I doubt she would continue to train me when she realizes that I'm not the girl that she is looking for and the one that is that girl is somewhere out there. Sometimes she would have me sit down and close my eyes and just think. I don't know what she wants me to think about but I do what she says.

After training, Sam and I have lunch with some other people. Some members of the court and other people. I've talked to a few of them but they're not that interested in me. They are far more interested in Sam. Not that I can blame them on that. Sam is very interesting. I see how they listen to every single word that he speaks like it is the most important thing in the world. They respect him and they love him. I know that and one day they might love me the same way. I think they don't trust me that much.

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