a n g u i s h

968 44 11

s h a t t e r e d h e a r t s

c h a p t e r 6

It was the pain that brought me back into the real world. My eyes groggily open despite not wanting to even open at all. The pain becomes too much to even handle. Breathing is as hard as it can be. Each breath that I take is like being stabbed in the chest with a glowing orange knife over and over again. With every beat of my heart it feels like it is being ripped out of my chest, then put back only to be ripped out again. Each time is worse than the last. The circle goes on forever and never ends.

"She's awake" A voice says, a voice that I know too well. My twin sister; Katherine. She's the first one that I see, and then my eyes travel to my Mate and then my father and then the Pack Healer. All of them are standing there looking down at me as I lie on a bed. A bed that is not mine. When my eyes travel around the room I see that I am not in my bedroom but rather the hospital wing of the Pack house. Through the pain I can run through my memories to figure out what had happened, I know that I fell but why?

I can recall what had happened in the kitchen, but I cannot understand why I had felt like life was being drained out of me and I met the pure darkness. "Darling, how do you feel?" The Pack Healer asks me. It's a young woman, she recently became Pack Healer after having been trained somewhere else outside the Pack. No one knows where she was trained except for the Alpha. We don't even know why it is such a secret of where she was trained, not that any of us would ever care about that.

I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. My throat aches as does the rest of my body, speaking is becoming impossible. I realize that even if I were to try and speak, no words come out, and my voice is nowhere to be found. It truly has walked away from me, abandoned me when I really needed it. Then again, I suppose it never really mattered that I spoke in the first place, since I was too much of a coward to even say the most important thing in the world to the most important person.

Perhaps I deserve to not being able to speak at all. When I did open my mouth, the only sounds that came from me were these raspy sounds that aren't really that sounds at all. They were annoying like when an old door is creaking. I can't be certain what is on their faces, but I can tell that they are either frightened or annoyed or even both or something specific. "I'm going to get her some water" Katherine says and then without another word she leaves the room. Probably not wanting to look at the state of me any longer.

I would not want to look at myself, which is why I will not look into the mirror ever again. What I saw the last time I looked into the mirror, is someone that I used to be and not who I am now. My father sighs as he sits down by the bed. "Sweetie, can you sit up?" He asks me. All that I do is look at him with a blank expression. Not wanting to answer nor even sit up at all. I hate seeing the look of sorrow on his face as he looks down at me.

The pain which he tries to hide from me is present inside his eyes, I can see it so clearly. It may not match the pain that I'm going through, it doesn't mean that he isn't hurting. When I do not say anything, his hands lift me up into a sitting position. My back against the frame of the bed and my head resting on a pillow that he put for me. My father takes my hand and kisses the back of it. "It's all right, honey, you're back now. It's all right" He whispers to me.

I don't know what he means, and I get the feeling that I don't want to know that. "The Pack Healer is going to do some tests. Ok?" He asks me. Once again all I do is stare at him. Wanting to speak, but I can't find it within me to even speak at all. I no longer have the will nor the energy to speak. Even if I did, the pain is all that I would be able to let out of my body. In a blood curling scream for that would be the only response that I can give.

Shattered Hearts ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang