n o t i o n

833 17 6

s h a t t e r e d  h e a r t s

c h a p t e r  25

"If I had to choose one moment that I love more than anything in the world, it would be the moment that I first saw your eyes" Sam says to me. We've been driving for about half an hour and it's the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Because, not only am I with Sam by my side but I'm also traveling towards my future and my destiny. The happiness that I feel with him now is something that I will never be able to explain nor do I think that I have to since I just have to enjoy it.

"It is?" I ask him. He chuckles. Sam has not even let go of my hand the entire time. He's also made sure that we're always touching. With out legs and hands and just our bodies. I lean against his body and I make sure that I'm also touching him. I don't ever want to let go of this man before and I will make certain that we're always together. Even if that means that we're touching one another all the time or something else. "Of course. Though, I know we're about to make a lot of good moments in the future" Sam says.

I smile at him, in fact I'm beaming at him. Somehow I can't even stop smiling. My cheeks have started to hurt. I don't care about that because Sam is here with me and I love smiling around him. No matter what, I will always love smiling around him. "I think the best moment is when I held your hand and you showed me that I'm more than what I thought I was" I tell him. Choosing one moment that means more to me than another is not something that I can make make lightly.

"I did not show you that you are more than you were. I just guided yourself to be able to see it for yourself. What I did was show you that you don't have to be afraid to be who you are inside. And I will always love you for who you truly are. Even if that means that you're someone that the world hates. Though, I can't see how the world can hate such a wonderful flower that blooms with love and brightness and is my light" Sam says to me. Like I said, he always says the right things.

It does not matter what we're talking about, he's always able to make me feel better. I have no idea how he is able to do this but I don't want him to ever stop it. "Now, what do you want to do during this ride, play a game?" He asks me. Sam does want to make this car ride and this journey as short as possible but at the same time both of us don't want it to end. Because when we arrive, I have no idea what will happen but I know that when we are together, we don't have to worry about anything.

"What kind of a game do you have in mind?" I ask him. I think he's also trying to make me feel better because I think Sam can sense that I'm slightly afraid. It is not that I don't want to leave. Trust me, I want to leave this place. But, I have to admit that I am slightly afraid of leaving. I'm actually leaving the only place I've ever known and I'm slightly afraid of what the world has to offer, the world is so big that I have no idea what it is. "I was thinking of a guessing game" He suggests.

I raise an eyebrow at him and he chuckles. "I think of something, an animal and you try to guess what it is asking me yes and no questions such as if it is a mammal or something. Until you've guessed what animal it is or a person or even an objects. Just about anything in the world" Sam explains. I nod. "That sounds like a good idea" I say. It is. Anything that has anything to do with him and us is a good idea and nothing can change my mind about that.

He smirks. "I've thought about what you're going to guess so ask away" He says. I think about what I should ask him, then I wonder about one thing. "Is there any limit to how many questions I can ask or is this game unlimited?" I ask him. Sam gives me this knowing look. "You can ask me as many questions as you like and if you have decided you're going to give up, just let me know" Sam says and winks at me. As if he's daring me to admit defeat and lose this game.

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