c l a r e t

945 33 10

s h a t t e r e d  h e a r t s

c h a p t e r  23

I blink and then I see the sight that I had saw on the rock, I'm actually living it. But I'm not just living it. I'm seeing it through my eyes or someone's eyes or something's. What I see through the eyes is the only things that I can see. I'm not able top move around nor feel like I can move around for that matter. Like my body is like a stone that I can't move. My mind instantly goes towards the legend of Medusa for some reason and how she was able to turn men into stone just by looking at them.

What I see is a door that I have seen so many times before throughout my life, and while I can only watch, I feel this strange presence. Though, the presence is not strange at all. Rather it is the most familiar one that I have ever felt in my life. I find that I'm calm in this presence and that I know that things are going to be all right for now. I have no idea how I know that, but I do and there is nothing that can convince me otherwise. Admitting this defeat, I watch through the eyes of what is happening.

White furry paws claw at the door so sharply and with so much force that the door splits apart where the claw marks are so visible. The shock runs through me but I feel neither afraid or that much shock, rather I find that I'm impressed. Wood splinters fly everywhere around me and inside the room. Pain does not touch me and neither do I think that the splinters were able to find my skin or rather my fur if I have to say as it is. This feral growl leaves my mouth as I snarl at the two people within the room.

It had not been me who growled but at the same time it had been me. I have no idea how I had done that but I have a feeling that it wasn't me but rather someone else. That presence that I feel within me. It does not take me that long now to realize that it is actually my Wolf. I nearly gasp when I realize that. I had actually thought that my Wolf was dead and was so far gone that I would never be able feel it ever again.

Then I see that my Wolf is acting on its own and doing what it wants. It has pushed me down to the bottom of my mind where I'm unable to fight back nor do anything. I'm defenseless when it comes to moving nor talking for that matter. My Wolf growls at Nik and my sister that are sitting on the bed. I notice through the eyes that Nik is holding Katherine so gently and tightly but also protectively. Showing that he will do anything to protect her. I feel this pang in my heart when I see it.

"Who is that?" I hear her ask him, but I have a feeling that they both know exactly who is standing there. The Wolf is still but it still growls at them. It has walked a bit into the room, but stays close to the door. I have no idea what it plans on doing. Whatever it is, I will agree with it. That I know. Even when I'm looking at her through the eyes of a another (though part of me) I find that I can only look at Katherine with pure hatred and loathing for all that she has done to me.

Nik can only stare at the Wolf and he does appear to be shocked for some reason, not because there is a Wolf standing in his bedroom. Rather because I think he knows that it is me. Neither of them try to move off the bed nor do anything to flee and it's a good thing. Because I'm not so sure that the Wolf will let them leave. While I am inside my own mind and inside the mind of the Wolf where it is in control, I can't know what it is thinking. Like it is blocking me from knowing that.

All that I can do is watch what it does. There is somehow no way that I can stop it from doing anything. For what it is worth, I think that my Wolf is a whole lot stronger than I am. I doubt that it will let me take control until it has finished what it wants to do. Then I see that Katherine does move her leg over the bed and down to the floor. The Wolf growls at her and it is even darker now. The eyes of the Wolf only staring at her now.

As if she was the intended target and I think that she always was. I don't think that my Wolf wants to hurt Nik in any way (even when I somehow want to). I think that it wants to hurt her. Because my sister was the one that hurt me and she always has been the one that has caused me pain. She is my twin sister and yet she has caused me suffering, I can't understand it. I doubt that I need to understand any of it to know that she is responsible for all this pain, but at the same time so am I.

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