t r e a s u r e

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s h a t t e r e d h e a r t s

c h a p t e r 33

I'm woken up by this beautiful laughter. My eyes softly open and the sight that I'm met with is one that makes me laugh as well. Sam is sitting in a chair, on his lap is Anna Lily and she holds a pencil in her hand and she is drawing on a paper that Sam is holding. On his shoulders is Eric who is playing with Sam's hair. Sam makes sure that he is holding onto Eric so he doesn't fall, and he is also making sure to hold the paper for Anna and a book behind it so she can draw.

All three of them are laughing and this sight does make me feel like everything is all right and there is nothing that can go wrong. I sit up on the bed and then Sam notices me. A smile comes to his lips when he sees me. "What happened?" I ask him. As soon as I have spoken, both the children look up at me and smile. They don't waste any second to climb away from Sam who frowns at that. They throw themselves on the bed and hug me which I happily return. "Mommy" Both of them say as they hug me.

Sam smiles at me when he sees this. "You ended it all" Sam tells me. I hold the children tight towards my body as if they are everything to me and they are. "I love you" I whisper to them as I hold them tightly. Both of them are dressed in new pajamas and I feel that their hair is a bit damp, they have been washed and now they are clean. Putting the book and the paper on the nightstand, Sam stands up and sits down on the bed as well and he joins our hug. Our little family.

During breakfast Sam told me that when I had put the sphere on the symbol in the fountain, I there was this great forced that pushed everyone back and even me. I was the only one that fainted though. Sam watched as the shadows disappeared from sight, as if they were ghosts that were leaving. That is not the strangest thing that happened. When the shadows were gone, the Werewolves that had died in battle began to move and wake up. Their wounds healed and they were as they had always been. Alive and well.

Sam had picked me up but when he did, I started to murmur something to him. He said that I had told him to take me to the forest, that I needed to get my children. I don't recall any of that. But, Sam did take me to the forest and I had guided him on the way until we had reached Anna and Eric. Sam told me that as soon as he touched the vines, they began to disappear and the two children woke up. They had hugged the both of us and then, Sam had taken us all to the castle.

There, Sam had put me down onto the bed. He had watched as my wings faded until they became nothing, but even when they are not here, I can still sense them and I can still call out to them. The Wolf inside of me guards those wings and keeps them safe and in return the wings will keep my Wolf safe. Sam has accepted the two children as his own and I can see that he does care for them. Not just because I'm taking them in, but because he really does care deeply for them.

I watch as he's playing with them while we eat. The laugher still echoes through the dining room. I smile and laugh with them. Sam is playful when he's with them and they do admire him. Eric is even saying a lot more now. He's still young and he can't pronounce all the words and he does have a hard time speaking the words that he does want to say, but we do listen to him and Sam and I have agreed that we will be teaching them until they are old enough to tend school on their own, we will also have a lot of help from the staff.

They've taken to enjoy having these two children around. I can see how the staff laughs when they run past them. I think for the first time in a very long time, there is actually happiness around here in the castle. After breakfast, Sam and I walk with the two children around the castle. I'm holding Eric while Sam is holding Anna. They ask us questions and we answer and we ask them questions. This is the happiest that I've ever been in my entire life and it does make me feel amazing inside.

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