🦋Chapter 오십 오 🦋

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Jaehee's POV

We got all the things we needed and are walking to (Y/N)'s new home.

Apparently those boys are loaded and have a ginormous house.

If that's really the case, imma have to pray that she's chilling upstairs so I can use that as an excuse to take their elevator if they have one.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. If they don't got an elevator I'll need to have a serious talk with the owner of that house.

The fuck are you doing with all that money?

Oh well, regardless of that, we got (Y/n) everything she'd like.

We stopped by a Mexican joint and got her a large burrito bowl packed with everything she loves.  I even payed the ridiculous extra three dollars for guacamole.

After that, we walked to the convenience store just to get her a fruitopia and spirte mix. We even bought some spicy ramen and candy just incase she still feels hungry after.

After talking some more we came to the conclusion that she was probably not feeling well mentally and took a break from everything.

At first we thought her pussy got put to work, then we thought she was on her period, but those conclusions didn't really make any sense.

If those were the reason why she didn't show up today then she still would've answered her phone or at least respond to my texts by now.

If she was currently in a bad emotional state and was lacking motivation to do anything, then it makes alot of sense.

If our bitch is feeling like shit today, then it's our responsibility as her best friends to walk that extra mile and make sure she's alright.

We make it to her new neighborhood and sneak past security.

Nobody told us it was gated so we kinda panicked for a second when we got there.

Jinsoo suggested him distracting the guard in the glass while I squeeze through the gates but I immediately shut that idea down.

I don't know how cute he thinks he is, but he might as well be a comedian if he thinks we can sneak our way into a gated community simply by flirting with the guards.

So what did we do?


We threw a handful of the skittles we bought at the glass to wake him up and while he walked around looking for the culprit we climbed the gates and ran like our lives depended on it.

Ain't no way in hell im going to jail for this.

That's gotta be the most embarrassing sentencing ever.

Jaehee, convicted for using skittles as a diversion to trespass private property.

That'd probably be iconic as fuck but it's still pretty embarrassing none the less.

"Ok so, what did she say her house number was again?", Jinsoo asks while checking our bags to make sure that none of the food spilled.

We actually ended up abandoning the drink before we climbed the gates. We threw it in the bushes and decided to just toss some fruits in a cup with water for her instead.

There was no way we were making it over fast enough while trying not to spill anything.

Besides, if it spilled then the guard would know that someone sneaked in and the cops would probably be called.

I pull out my phone and scroll up to see where she mentioned her location.

"It says number 47. All we gotta do is look for a huge house with the number 47 on it and we'll be set.

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