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"What do you mean you found Overhaul?" Tomura sat at the bar table next to Kurogiri.

"The man had dark auburn hair and a plague mask. He also had a daughter. Most of that fits your description, though there was nothing about his daughter." responded Izuku, still thinking about the blue-haired girl with bandages going all the way up her limbs. Should I have done something? Would that have blown our cover?
Izuku's thoughts were cut off by Tomura.

"We have found the headquarters of their group. I want you guys to all get suited up before we go."

Izuku and Todoroki both nodded.


"It looked like that girl was scared." muttered Todoroki, slipping on his waistcoat. Izuku sighed.

"I know. Usually I could care less about a struggling person." muttered Izuku with a smile that slightly alarmed Todoroki.

"But that girl reminded me of Kota a bit." smirked Izuku, straightening out his tie. Todoroki nodded.

"I hope she is ok. I mean being the daughter of the big bad mafia leader could be scary."

Izuku smiled. "Should we try to rescue her?"

"Would that be a good idea? She isn't our child."

Izuku rolled his eyes. "I mean just from the hands of Chisaki."

"We will see if we need to."

Both boys arrived back in the bar to see everyone else in their outfits.

"I just now realized how much you look like Stain." noted Mr. Compress, while slipping on his new mask.

"Why thank you." boasted Spinner. "You still look like an idiot."

"I think he looks cool!" retorted Toga, who was tying up her hair in the messy buns that she always wore. "Unlike you."

"I AM OFFENDED, YOU LEECH!" Spinner pointed his scaly finger in Toga's direction.

"Will you brats calm down?" rasped Shigaraki, with his trademark hand over his face.

"We are leaving now. Get your asses up and over here."

Shigaraki had explained the plan to everyone before the licensing exam. They knew where the base was and how to get in. The main gang was going. That included Shigaraki, Izuku, Todoroki, Kurogiri, Toga, Dabi, Spinner, Mr. Compress, and Magne. Mustard and Moonfish had been arrested during the Training Camp attack. Reiki and Chi were scheduled to come in later.

"Hopefully this plan will work out the way it should."

If so, then we can finally get to the real plan


"They saw Eri. They might end up coming back at some point sir! What will we do?" babbled a man who was also wearing a plague mask and holding a simple clipboard. He was one of Chisaki's subordinates.

"Sir!" cried the man followed by him tapping Chisaki's shoulder to get his attention, which was a big mistake.

"Take Eri." mumbled Kai to the man next to him, before slapping the man's shoulder, causing him to instantly disassemble into nothing but blood.

"He wasn't wrong though Overhaul. The heroes might break in."

"I don't care. We will have to keep Eri under tighter security so that she doesn't escape again. Isn't that right Eri."

There was a slight whimper followed by a shaky nod.

"Take her out of here."

"Yes sir." The second man took Eri to the lab room and locked her in the equipment room.

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