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A week passed, which meant; it was the day of the volleyball game. Kuroo had been begging you to come see him. he asked you almost every day, a week straight, if you could come watch him at his game. He gave you a whole bunch of excuses at that.

''I'll play better when you're here!''

''You'll be like a lucky charm!''

''I won't be at my best if you're not there!''

You thought it was cute. You were already planning on coming to watch him anyway— there wasn't a need for him to beg you. But you enjoyed seeing him so desperate, it made you feel special in a way. He wanted you to come see him.

It had just been a week, but Kuroo and you had grown so much closer— it was as if the two of you had been dating for years. That's what it felt like. That's how comfortable he made you feel. That's how safe he made you feel. You had never been the type to date someone, so you didn't have much experience. But one thing was for sure: no other person had ever made you feel like this.

Of course, you've had feelings for someone, but you thought dating was such a hassle. So, you never acted on your feelings. Kuroo was your first real boyfriend. Someone who returned your feelings. Someone who liked you the way you liked them.

Kuroo made sure you knew he loves you.

You stood in front of the school gates with your dad, who Kuroo also invited. Your dad so happened to be eavesdropping when Kuroo was speaking loud enough about the game for your dad to hear. He probably knew your dad was going to force you to go, so, he made sure to speak at a decent volume. He was right, your dad almost shouted in excitement. The two of them, your dad and Kuroo, looked at you with puppy eyes, begging you to come as well.

''Ah, dad, I forgot I had to bring some paperwork to the student council room. You should go to the gym, we're late already... I'll finish this quickly!'' you told your dad. You two were indeed late, because of the horrible traffic. It had taken nearly forty five minutes to get to the school.

You also had no idea why you suddenly thought of your task just now, suddenly just popping into your head. Gin, who's actually part of the student council, had asked you to bring some papers to the student council room. You had no idea who it was for or what it was about, but you just wanted to get it done since he asked nicely. He had actually asked you on Friday, which meant you were two days too late. You felt like you could finish the assignment in a matter of few second, how long could it take you to bring a piece of paper to a classroom?

Your dad nodded at you with a smile after you told him where the gym was. You told him he could go there already, to let Kuroo know you were there. You sighed as you made your way into the school, ready to get your easy task done and enjoy your boyfriends game. You did feel a bit guilty suddenly finishing up a task when you are already late for Kuroo's game, but Gin told me he needs the paperwork Monday morning and for some reason couldn't do it himself.

The volleyball game was a game you won't understand a thing of. You didn't know a single thing about volleyball because you simply didn't care for sports. You wouldn't even know if Kuroo was doing good and you'd probably just cheer whenever your father was cheering, because he'd know what was going on. You were still going to enjoy it, though. Only because of Kuroo. Because he was so passionate about volleyball.

And you adored seeing him be so passionate about something. It's the way you felt about writing. You had been writing in the presence of Kuroo before, and the way he'd look over your shoulders and read what you had written and hearing him compliment you made you feel happy. So, you wanted to learn more about volleyball, wanted to watch his practices more often to be able to support him in the best way possible.

You sighed, content about your love life. After you had taken the papers off the teachers' desk in science class, you had walked over to the classroom that was meant for the student council, placing the papers on one of the tables in the room.

You clapped your hands, putting them on your waist right after before walking out of the classroom, ready to watch your boyfriend's game.

''Hey, Y/N!'' a girl cheerfully yelled as she ran up to you. Misaki and Yui. You rolled your eyes, not getting a good feeling from this. Both of them were holding big boxes, filled with whoever knows what. You quirked a brow as you started to get an anxious feeling in your stomach.

''Y/N, could you bring these boxes to the student council... pleaaase?'' Misaki whined with a pout, ''Yui is suddenly feeling very ill~! I wanna take her to the nurse.. but Gin will get angry if we don't finish this before tomorrow!''

You looked at Yui, who quickly looked away, obviously avoiding eye contact.


''Thank you! And ummm.... There's more in art class, make sure you grab those too. We'll tell the teacher you'll be taking over our task— so make sure you actually finish it,'' Misaki quickly said before you could even say another word, dropping the box on the ground and ran away with Yui. You could hear their deafening laughter from miles away. Anger filled the pit of your stomach, but you quickly took a deep breath. You didn't want to get annoyed.

It were just a few boxes, right? How many boxes could there be? You could quickly do this and then watch the game.

10 minutes passed.

20 minutes passed.

30 minutes passed.

You sighed, wiping away the sweat that had formed on your forehead from the number of heavy boxes you had to move from art class to the student council. You panted, completely out of breath. You quickly took your phone out of your pocket, seeing the game only had about a few minutes left.

''Shit,'' you breathed out and started to run. You ran as fast as you could to at least see who had won the game, but when you reached the gym you noticed only a few people. Only a few people who were cleaning up the gym after the game.

''Am I too late?'' you asked the guy who was taking down the net.

''Yeah!'' he said with a smile, ''but we lost anyway, no need to be disappointed,'' the guy scratched his head with an awkward smile.

''Fuck!'' you muttered to yourself. you had promised you would watch Kuroo's game. The anger that had already built up inside of you only started to get worse after realising Yui and Misaka probably did this on purpose.

They didn't want you to watch the game.

They probably watched the game together, cheered on Kuroo and made it look like you weren't there. Like you weren't there to support him, but they were.

You faced the ground, balling your fists as you started to get lost in your thoughts until one guy suddenly started to yell and laugh, snapping you out of your thoughts.

''Hey, did you hear about the bet Kuroo made? I heard he made a bet to date some random girl!''

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