[3] The Alpha's Den

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The Alpha's Den



It was around 5 am when I left the scene of the destroyed convenience store. I spent the rest of the morning and the entirety of that afternoon sleeping in the forest in Amazon's wolf form and arose when the sun set. I hunted my dinner in my wolf form. I didn't take my time with the hunt like I usually did, eager to tear my teeth viciously into a rodent. When even that didn't make me feel better, I went to sleep.

       The next day, I rose in the afternoon and dove in the river in my wolf form after breakfast. The cold water was a shock to my senses—a feeling I happily welcomed—and I swam for hours until my limbs ached in hopes I could blow off more steam. When even that didn't make me feel better, I decided to finally switch back to my human form and walk aimlessly into the night. Surely, getting out of the forrest would distract me from my situation.

       Ever since I was young, I always spent my time wandering. I think a part of me always hoped I would stumble upon where I was meant to be. I've only ever got it wrong so far, but maybe one day I wouldn't.

It was somewhat comforting hearing the familiar sound of the crunch of autumn leaves beneath my feet accompany the symphony of white noise in my head.

Beneath the emotional numbness was a dull, throbbing ache raging all over my body that I wouldn't attribute to this morning's swim. It was no secret to anyone that I was the black sheep of the family, but I never thought the day would come where my father would follow through with kicking me out the pack. I've heard countless empty threats from both the bastard and his wife since early adolescence, but I always dreamt the day I left would be on my terms.

I thought I would at least have all my ducks in a row before I finally grew the balls to yell fuck you in my father's face and never returned. I thought the day I walked away from that house for good there would be a cheesy grin on my face, the wind blowing in my hair, and maybe even someone to go home to at the end of it all. Instead my face was numb, the air was still, and I had no one.

'You know I will always be here for you, Aubrey.'

I resisted the immediate urge to roll my eyes. 'Ah yes, I can always rely on my ever present wolf to keep me company.'

'I have already explained my absences.'

'Yes, wolves must periodically return to the Wolf Realm to maintain their power and energy, I know, but the loneliness doesn't hurt any less.' I stated with a slight pout.

It was the truth for all wolves: when they weren't present in our minds they went back to frolicking around the fields of the Wolf Realm, a district in the Spirit World. Amazon never did want to explain what it was like over there: the wolves always claimed it would be best if we just wait and see. Like I had the patience for that.

'You are indeed entitled to your feelings, but be wary of constantly feeding such negative emotions. It can produce grave consequences.'

'You mean like the consequences I suffered from the other night', a scowl was painted on my face from the memory.


Sometimes Amazon isn't the best when it comes to human social cues. She comes off a bit curt at times, but I know she means well. After all, she's all I have now; the last thing I want to do is start a fight with the only other entity who could actually stand my presence.

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