Chapter 10 ~ Who's Been Here all Along

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Chapter 10 ~ Who's Been Here all Along


After leaving behind a bruised and humiliated Luca, I reappeared in the dark forest next to the pack house. The same place Aubrey's dear friend, Samantha, was snatched up by villain #2. The worthless earthly beings didn't even deserve my help, but there can only be one bad guy in this story. Sorry, Reginald.

Speaking of worthless earhtly beings...

I snapped my fingers, and my favorite sniveling witch appeared before me dazed and confused.

"Wha-" I snapped my fingers again and handcuffs made of dark magic appeared on her frail wrist as a glint of fear reflected in her eyes. "I thought I was done here. I want to go back to my family." The witch said through clenched teeth.

I let out a laugh. Ever the bold one, that good 'ol witch of mine.

"Oh, Sea Urchin. Please do not fail to remember that you wouldn't be with your precious little family if it weren't for me. So I expect full gratitude anytime you are summoned." As I approached her trembling body with a smirk on my face. "After all I am your new god, and no not goddess. I ascend far above that raving bitch in the sky who's too lazy to get rid of the problem she created herself." I created a dog leash for her with a mist of black smoke. "We'll be done when I say we're done, but until then I'm gonna need you to do two things for me: 1. Lead me to where the key is, and 2. Destroy the cute little matching jewelry set you created."

I summoned my scythe and smiled at the steaming witch before me. "C'mon now pet! We have many things to accomplish before I destroy this wasteland."

"You're going to do what?" The witch asked in panic.

I tugged the long leash her neck before swinging my Scythe. "Now, now pet. Don't trouble yourself with things that are far beyond your puny brain's comprehension."

As I began to walk I felt a shift within my chest, and my red eyes glared before I took the miniscule feeling and crushed it with my magic.

Don't you dare start now. It's my time to play.


I powerwalked behind Miranda as she rushed in front of me to reach whichever destination she was leading me to.

"This isn't good." She panted as she rushed through the halls of the pack house.

"Well yeah I think I've gathered as much." I mumbled under my breath.

Miranda turned around and glared me before pacing towards me. "Listen here mister," She pointed her finger in my chest, and I watched her smaller body with shock in my eyes. The resemblance between her and Aubrey has never been as uncanny as it is right now. "This world is about to go to complete shit, and my daughter is going to be at the center of it all. What I don't need right now is your sarcasm. I don't think you realize just how bad this situation has become." She spouted before continuing to rush towards our destination which I found out was her room.

It was in this moment I realized this was my first time in Miranda's quarters. I didn't have much time to admire the quarters because of our hasty situation. I did, however, manage to get a glance of a picture frame of Aubrey with her mother and step father along with her other set of siblings who were a part of the group of members shipped off to Alpha Dixon's pack in the state over. Speaking of which I was earlier informed that Dixon's pack never left their territory, and Noah was merely snatched in the middle of the night with the use of Ursula's magic. It was dumb of us to even believe Reginald's word.

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