Chapter 11~ Majesty

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It was 4 am.

The night seemed to slowly drag itself on into the wee hours of the morning. The past couple of hours have felt like a couple of days. However it does go to show how weak Reginald, and his feeble attempts of taking over the world really are. Once I find the slimy bastard, it'll be over for him and his little gang of gremlins.

"Hey, Seaweed!" I shouted after the witch. I let her off her dog chain a while back as we both searched yet another abandoned warehouse in hopes of finding the sneaky bastard. "How many more hideouts do we have to go through before I get my hands on that heathen? I would love to see that man's sun set before the sun rises." I said with a sickly sweet tone.

"There's only two more hideouts that we haven't checked yet." The witch seemed to be fatigued. But if she wanted to find solace in a nice, warm bed in the comfort of her mate's arms she needed to start delivering better results.

"You better hope we find him in the next one because if I have to summon hellhounds to sniff out this bastard, I won't be responsible for the heels they knick on their way to his location." I smirked as I watched the witch gulp with fear in her eyes.

Okay I actually didn't have the jurisdiction to summon the hellhounds, especially with this stunt I'm pulling, but the witch didn't need to know that. Nothing like a little fear to keep the body motivated.

"The next place we should look is where it all began." The witch whispered.

"Where what began?" I asked with my arms crossed in front of my chest.

"The warehouse that Aubrey was abducted and taken to when she was younger." The witch fidgeted.

I smirked. "Even better. He'll be destroyed in the very place that he destroyed the lives of others. Sounds like poetic justice to me." I let out a short snicker. "I almost sound like the hero of this story. It's actually quite comical. What do you think Sea Urchin?"

"Um..." The witch trembled as she gazed into my blazing irises. "I think you are definitely Satan's creation. You fit the description of a fallen angel perfectly."

"Oh wow, Sea dog," I proceeded to wipe away nonexistent tears from my eye lids. "That's actually...the nicest thing you've ever said to me. I think we're finally warming up to each other." I said with a crooked smile.

The witch's right eye twitched, whether it was was irritation or fatigue, I was unsure but I had a feeling that it was a mixture of both.

"Enough of our master-pet bonding time, we've got a pest to exterminate." I turned away from her with a smirk. "I hope I won't have to beg you to do the honors, Seaweed."

The witch sighed before opening another portal in front us.

Once we crossed the portal, there were dozens of Rejected Angels waiting for us, and that's when I knew the witch and I were hot on his heels. Surprisingly enough, the witch had a few tricks up her sleeves and managed to utilize her magic in order to knock some of them out while I burned most of them to a crisp. With our offense and defense working perfectly together, we managed to bypass the group of angels that flooded the 1st floor. We kept this dynamic going until we made it to the top floor, where even the witch was sure Reginald would.

As we crept along the corridor, I used my demonic magic to make myself invisible and the witch was able to do the same. Sometimes I forget she isn't completely useless. Unlike on the other floors, we didn't want the angels to know of our presence. Reginald may be unaware of the damage we caused on the other floors, but if we start taking out the rejects on his floor, he may overhear the sound of chaos and attempt to flee before we can get to him; we don't want that happening.

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