Chapter 19 - Not Again

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Chapter 19 - Not Again

Samantha's P.O.V

I watched as my mate and Ryan were next to be initiated to become the official Beta and Gamma of the Red Moon Pack. I was so proud of them! I was especially proud of Michael. He's be training for this position all his life, and now that he is official I know that he will be an amazing Beta.

After the coronation was officially over the Alpha, Luna, Beta, and Gamma were dragged off to some special secret meeting. I pouted knowing that I couldn't go. I asked why I couldn't attend but Aubrey could and their response was:

"Because she's the Luna."

The fuck is that supposed to mean? I'm the Beta's mate so where are my special rights?

An hour passed and only a few people, including myself, volunteered to help pack up everything. Most of the pack has already went back to the pack house, their celebratory moods still inflated. All that were left were me and two other men who were packing away the chairs and taking the stage apart to bring back to the storage room.

"Thanks for the help Samantha, but we can take it from here." John said with a smile as him and Derek carried a stack of chairs.

"You sure? I mean I can help bring back the speakers or something." I offered.

"Nah we're good here you just go enjoy your night." Derek said.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Shoot if you say so." I muttered to myself. "Night boys!" I said with a wave before walking off.

"Night!" They chorused, and I continued to walk towards the pack house. The moonlight above casting down on the path that I was walking on making the concrete glow a silver hue.

I heard a rustling sound to my right in the bushes, and I paused before looking for any sign of danger.

A second passed.

And another.

A bunny jumped out from the bushes, and I let out a small shriek.

"Jesus Christ!" I said while holding a hand to my chest. "Come on Samantha just because you have a pussy doesn't mean you need to act like one." I muttered.

"Ah, so I was correct. You are the famous Samantha I've heard so much about."

I spun around just to find a bald man with brown eyes dressed in an awfully formal suit, and my guard was completely raised at that moment. Creepy random bald dude walking around in the woods in a tux equals reciprocal for disaster.

"And who are you?"

"A friend of a friend." He said with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

"Yea because that doesn't sound suspicious at all." I muttered.

I sniffed the air. I could tell he was a werewolf, but he didn't smell like anything which is very weird. This man must be a threat if he feels the need to mask his scent. "Do you usually sneak up on girls in the woods or am I just a special case?"

The man chuckled. "You remind me so much of her. I can see now why you're her best friend."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Who is this man?

"The name's Reginald, but since you're a mutual friend you can me Reggie." He said with a sinister smile.

My eyes widened in realization. Wait a minute...

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