Chapter 10 - Indirectly Rejected

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Chapter 10 - Indirectly Rejected

Aubrey's P.O.V

Samantha and I were currently in Emily's room since both of our mate's are in an "important" meeting that had to do with the pack or whatever. Sooner or later I was gonna have to be involved in these so-called 'meetings'. I really hoped they weren't boring though, I don't think I'd be able to bear them.

"So, you're an Omega?" Samantha's repeated. Emily blushed and nodded her head.

"Yea, people make fun of me for it. I kinda got used to it though." She said while looking down at her hands. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at her.

"That's the thing though, you shouldn't have to get used to being treated like shit. A pack is only as strong as it's weakest link, and making that link feel weak and timid doesn't make the pack itself any better." I ranted.

"Preach it girl!" Samantha said while clapping. Emily and I started laughing, and Samantha soon joined in.

"Does your pack treat your Omega's better?" She asked with hope in her eyes. I cringed slightly thinking of the way Omega's are treated in my pack. If I could change their treatment I would, but with my dad as the Alpha there's no changing the traditions held there.

" dad's an asshole, so the Omega's aren't treated any better but trust me, when my brother's ruling I'm sure things will change." I told her reassuringly. She nodded, but kept her head down in dissapointment.

"If anything our pack's should be focusing on making you - and any other Omega - stronger. Not bringing down your confidence." I said.

Samantha started clapping and cheering again. "Amen pastor." She said. I started giggling again. I can't, Samantha is just too much at times.

"No but seriously, once Luca becomes Alpha, things are definitely going to be changing around here." I said with full on determination.

"Speaking of are you two love-bird's?" Samantha asked me with a smirk. Even Emily was smirking, and she was supposed to be the shy, nice one! I blushed as their eyes fell on me.

"Aw, she's blushing!" Emily said while pinching my cheeks. I smacked her hands away from my face and scowled. You're one to talk. I thought.

"Not you too!" I said while groaning. I don't think helping Emily gain back her confidence was gonna be too hard. Just stick her in a room with Samantha for a day, and she'll be a whole new person. I thought with an internal scowl.

"Come on, tell us." Samantha pestered me.

"I don't know guys, there's not much to tell. Literally the day after we met I was locked up in a cell. I don't know." I said shrugging my shoulders. "I don't know why y'all expect me to confess my undying love for him so early in our relationship. I don't even know him." I said keeping it real.

Samantha just rolled her eyes at me. "Well, that was a waste of my time." She said with a sigh and got up from Emily's bed. She walked over to Emily's full body mirror and started playing with her hair.

"I wonder what it's like to have a mate." Emily said thoughtfully after a moment of silence.

"Oh, darling it's amazing!" Samantha said jumping back on the bed and grabbing Emily's hands. Emily smiled up at her, and I just rolled my eyes.

"They make you feel special and loved. They make you feel beautiful and give you a sort of confidence you'd never think you'd ever have." She said. I cut her off right there with a snort.

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