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Aubrey's P.O.V


It's been 2 years since we've been on the hunt for Samantha and Reginald. It's been 2 depressing years that have honestly removed a couple years from my life span. I am so exhausted: emotionally and physically.

We've all been working so hard to find her just to come up with nothing.

Devin informed us of all of Reggie's other hiding spots, but none of them were being utilized by him. They were all empty and were left with a single taunting note inside that gave no clue as to where he was hiding.

This game was messing with my head, and often times I found it hard to sleep.

Michael was worse than all of us, after all it was his mate that was kidnapped. He lived, breathed, and ate - when he found the time to - in the pack meeting room trying to come up with more strategies and ground to cover. He even had packs in the other surrounding states keeping a lookout on Reggie.

Honestly, he was getting a bit obsessive at this point, but I couldn't judge because I would be the same way. He didn't even have the reassurance of their mate bond connection to see if she was alive, and that was even more nerve-wracking.

I didn't want to lose hope but after 2 years of desperately searching, I was tired. I was so damn tired, I could feel it in my bones.

"I think we should give this search a break."

"What the hell are you talking about Aubrey?" Michael growled at me as his eyes began to change different colors.

Luca glared at him. "Don't yell at my mate, and sit the fuck down."

I sighed before rubbing my temples. "Michael, I'm tired! I love Samantha, I really do, but this investigation is wasting me away. It's wasting everyone away; especially you! Samantha would not want us suffering like this looking for her! This isn't healthy!"

The betrayal in his eyes made me feel bad, but I was no longer going to risk my health over this investigation. We all looked like walking corpses for crying out loud!

"As the Luna, I'm trying to do what's best for the pack, and this isn't helping anyone. Especially not Samantha. The people working on this investigation are being overworked by you, and it's weakening us as a pack. So yes, I'm sorry to say this, but we need to take a break."

He shot out of his chair once again. "You can't do this Aubrey! This is my mate we're talking about, and you know damn well if the roles were reversed you would do the same thing!"

I nodded my head. "You're right: I totally would. But hopefully there would be someone doing what I'm doing for you right now for me. The investigation is being postponed Michael, end of discussion."

"Some best friend you are!" He growled. There was a tight feeling in my chest, but I still got up from my seat and walked to the door with my mate. "You are so quick to give up on Samantha, but she would never give up on you Aubrey! Never!"

I paused before turning around. "And that would be a mistake on her part." My hand reached the door before I paused again. "Oh, and Michael?" He stared at me as he fumed silently. "You're no longer the head of this investigation. You're irrational emotional attachment is not going to get us anywhere."

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