Chapter 17 - The Alpha and Luna Coronation I

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Chapter 17 - The Alpha and Luna Coronation I

Aubrey's P.O.V

My life is shit.

It always has been, and it mostly likely always will be.

I've been through things that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy, but this moment right here may just be the icing on my very shitty cake.

The world has been nothing but cruel to me, and now I'm the one who's responsible for saving it?

Ah, the bittersweet irony.

I'd laugh if I weren't the one in this situation.

The five adults staring at me and waiting for my response only made this situation more realistic, but I couldn't let go of the slight hope that this was some fucked up game they were playing with me.

I blinked. "You've got to be kidding me. This is all some big joke right? Because if you think I'm gonna go all Wonder Woman and save the world you obviously have me confused for someone else."

Thantos scowled. "Do you really think I'd be here wasting my time on an annoying child like yourself just for fun and games? Oh please, get your head out of your ass brat."

"Listen here you little piece of shit." I began with a sneer. "You don't fucking know me nor do you know what I've been through. I'm not some brat you son of a bitch. According to you all and some fancy book I'm the most important pawn in this fucked up game called life, so I'm gonna need you to stop treating me like shit. Obviously you have some deep-rooted insecurities, or you wouldn't be picking on a 16 year old. Grow up you old fuck." I snapped.

Thantos fumed as he took a menacing step towards me, but Aleric stopped him. "She's right you know. Now go cool off; we'll handle everything else here." Thantos glared at me one last time before storming off, and I refrained from childishly sticking my tongue out at him. Good riddance, I thought.

Phoebe snorted before rolling her eyes. "Can someone please call Samuel? Thantos obviously needs a good fuck."

I completely ignored that sentence not wanting the disgusting image to infect my brain. I have nothing against the LGBTQ+ community I just don't need the image of Thantos doing anything sexual in my mind. Ew.

"Look I'm not going to save the world. I couldn't even save-" I paused as a lump formed in my throat. "I couldn't even save my best friend. Let alone over 7.5 billion people. What the hell even makes me qualified enough for this position? I'm sure one of my cousins can do it! Anybody but me!" I said as tears began to form in my eyes.

Mother looked at me with pity in her eyes as she walked towards me and embraced me. "Sweetheart you're not just any ordinary 16 year old werewolf. You're an Oni. That makes you qualified enough. You have the most powerful demon known to man on your side. You have powers. Powers that will help you on your journey. Last and not least you have us. We'll guide you and show you how to wield your powers and win this war." She explained with her hands on my cheeks as she used her thumbs to wipe away my tears.

I pulled her hands away from my face. "Listen your speech was nice and all, but I have my own battles to fight. And yes I know that sounded selfish, but there's so much that I have to fix personally before I can help anyone else. I'll have to sit out on this war because I can't. I'm broken mother. More broken than I let on. How can a broken weapon be of use to any one on a battlefield?" I asked her rhetorically.

When I didn't get an answer, I began walking backwards before turning around and running away. First I had to deal with Reggie and his bullshit and now this? Was I ever going to get a damn break?

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