Chapter 1 - All There is to Lose

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Chapter 1 - All There is to Lose



My birthday is in 3 weeks.

I have 3 more weeks of calm before this ever brewing storm decides to sweep us off our feets and attempt to drown us.

I remember back when I was younger, and I actually looked forward to turning 21. Granted, I was mostly excited because I would no longer need a fake I.D to sneak into human clubs, but it was also because 21 is the age where the rest of the rules and restrictions would be lifted. I would be recognized as an adult more than I was when I was 18.

Well now I'm 20 going on 21 and absolutely dreading the second it turned midnight on July 15th.

The prophecy said the war would start exactly 21 years after my birth. If they were being as exact as they meant, then that means my 21st birthday is going to be a lot more memorable than anyone else's.

It's been 5 years now since Samantha's disappearance, and I had no doubt in my mind that Reginald was training her as hard as my family was training me. Speaking of training, that's what I'm doing right now. It's all I've ever found myself doing these days.


I grinned as my long, black hair floated around me. I used my black talons to rip apart the dummy that was flying towards me. It was a grotesque model of the Rejected Angels. It had jagged teeth and a deformed face. Even the wings looked broken. The eyes were pure balls of white along with the long, thin hair that streamed down their backs.

A fake pop-up of Reginald appeared in front of me and I growled. I sent a blast of dark magic at the cardboard figure. His cardboard face was nothing more than an empty space while the remainder of the cardboard was charred. I smirked at the damage and couldn't wait until I could do the real thing in battle.

That bastard is going to wish he never met me.

Bursts of fireballs shot at me in all directions, and I used my teleportation to dodge every attack. A huge gust of wind swept me off my feet, and I felt my wings erect before I sent myself flying into the air. I fought off the wind with a harsher wind force coming from my black wings.

An Angel dummy came flying towards me, and I sent it aflame with a blast of fire. A vine from below wrapped around my ankle and yanked me back down to the ground. I fell on my back, and all the air was knocked out of me. I felt my talons shrink back to my normal nails and my hair change back to it's original brown color as I groaned on the floor. I sent a fire blast at the vine that was still wrapped around my ankle and watched as the plant whithered and died, setting my ankle free.

"Mommy!" A small voice shouted before jumping on top of my body.

"Oof," I groaned as the small body erupted in a fit of giggles.

"Noah!" His babysitter, Felicity, came running in, and the little boy hid in my chest.

I sat up and gave Noah a pointed look as he looked up at me innocently. "What did Mommy say about coming into the training room?"

"Not too." The 3-year-old mumbled as he pouted.

"I am so sorry Luna. He started asking for you, and I mentioned once that you were training. I turned around to make him a sandwich, and he just disappeared!" Felicity explained.

I laughed as I looked down at the sheepish boy in my lap. "It's not your fault Felicity. He gets his mischievousness from his mother." I began to tickle his sides, and he giggled as he tried to run away from my touch.

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