Chapter 14 - Memories

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Chapter 14 - Memories

Aubrey's P.O.V

"Wow." I whispered as I stared at the beautiful night sky above.

"I know." Luca whispered just as breathlessly as I did.

"How did you find this place?" I asked as I turned to him. We were currently both lying down on a blanket, staring at the stars in a secluded part of the woods.

"It was the night of my mother's funeral." He said.

I turned to my side and laid my head on his chest before playing with his hand. "What happened to her? If you don't mind me asking."

"She was killed in a rogue attack when I was 8." The way he tensed told me that he didn't want to get into details.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What about your brother Jason? How come you guys look so alike?"

He sighed before running a hand in my hair. "My father had a drunken one night stand with a woman that looked like my mother, then 9 months later out came Jason." He explained.

"Do you miss her?" I asked after a moment of silence. That dumbass question was brought to you by Aubrey's stupidity.

"Everyday." He admitted.

I continued to play with his fingers as I tried to find the courage to talk about someone from my past.

"My best friend died when I was 12." I whispered into the quiet night. Well, it wasn't exactly quiet. The sounds of the crickets were very much present as well as the occasional owl hoot, and the small animals that russled the bushes from time to time.

"I thought Samantha was your best friend?" He asked.

I sighed. "She is, but she wasn't my first best friend. Even though Samantha was the Beta's daughter and I was the Alpha's daughter, we weren't friends. Even then I was the outcast in the family, so I didn't make an effort to be the social butterfly of the pack. She may have talked to my sisters sometimes, but they were only acquainted. Breanne was a human that I met at the school that I went to. My siblings and I didn't even go to the same school because that's how much my so called 'parents' resented me." I said before sighing.

"It all happened on a friday night in May..."

"Aubrey! This was probably the best series ever made!" Breanne proclaimed with her mouth wide as we watched the end credits roll up the screen.

We just finished watching every single Harry Potter movie ever made and let me tell was the fucking best decision we ever made.

"They should totally make like a spin off or something with their kids at Hogwarts learning how to become awesome wizards like their parents!! That would be soo amazing! Oh my God Aubrey! We need to write a strongly worded e-mail about this! This spin off needs to happen!!!!" Breanne fangirled.

I let out a laugh. "I'm pretty sure there have been at least a thousand other people out there who have thought the same thing and probably have written 100 strongly worded e-mails each. Plus, I liked the way it ended."

Breanne pouted. "But I want more Hogwarts and more Harry Potter spawns!" She said with that pout still on her face.

"Hey! Maybe you can make your own Harry Potter Spin off in the future, and make millions of dollars." I suggested with a wink.

Breanne gasped. "You're right! I would be so honored!! I'd make the best spin off of all spin offs!" She said excitedly.

"And as your very faithful best friend, I'll leech off of all your fame and fortune." I said with a smirk.

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