Chapter 6 - Relinquish I

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Chapter 6 - Relinquish I


Roars soared throughout the night sky and out came dozens - no, hundreds - of beastly yet angelic creatures soaring out of the cage that once kept them imprisoned. Our practice dummies could never amount to the grotesque appearances of the beasts that flew down towards us.

They had wry grins on their faces and crooked teeth to match. Their eyes were bulging clouds of white that had strained veins creeping from the corner of their eyelids. Their noses were long and crooked, as if they were punched by God himself and healed back awkwardly. Their ears looked ragged as if they were chewed by a hungry animal. Their platinum blonde hair was thin and covered their heads in patches as though they spent their time over the years ripping their locks out of their scalps.

And how did I have such an amazing description of one of these grotesque creatures you may ask?

Well one of them decided that it wanted to take its many century long revenge out on me. Luckily for me, I had already switched into Sapphire's form the second that damn portal opened.

Everyone in the pack had already shifted into their wolves, and we all began fighting off the first batch of Rejects. As I blasted an Angel with my dark magic, I noticed that the majority of them were flying off in a different direction. We obviously weren't their main targets.

I bet wherever they're flying off to will lead me to Richard and ultimately Samantha...

'Luca!' I mind-linked him. 'I gotta follow the rest of the Rejected Angels. I bet they'll lead me straight to Richard and Samantha!'

'The Red Moon Pack should be joining us shortly. We can hold the rest of them off!" He mind-linked right before pouncing on one of the grotesque creatures and ripping its throat apart. I could sense a bit of hesitance in his voice, but I knew he was too preoccupied with the enemy to really act upon it.

I was very thankful that Luca wasn't being the annoyingly over-protective Alpha I knew he could be sometimes. We already discussed that as the supposed 'Chosen Descendant' he couldn't allow his love and care for me prevent me from being able to carry out my destiny.

I flapped my dark wings before taking off into the night sky. Everyone soon began to look like ants the higher I flew, and as I looked down I could see the limp bodies of a few pack members. Angry tears blurred my vision, but I quickly blinked them away as I returned my focus to the task at hand. The last thing I needed was to let my emotions get the best of me at a time like this.

Soon enough the Angels arrived at the cliffside near our pack, deep in the forest that separated the Red and Blue Moon Packs. I slowed down and landed in a tree as I watched the flock above continue to soar past my head. I jumped from tree to tree trying to mask my outline in the darkness provided by the midnight hour as I followed behind them.

They finally arrived to the tip of the cliff where I could see Richard's smirk clearly on his face along with a violet-eyed Samantha and a green-haired witch. I paid close attention to the glowing jewelry on each of their persons and made a special note of the matching ring and necklace set that Richard and Samantha were wearing.

That's probably how he's controlling her.

I looked back over to the emerald bracelet on the witch's wrist and tried to find the connection between the three.

The witch brought Richard an enchanted set of jewelry that is powered by her magic. She must've transferred some of her magic to Richard through the ring, so he'd be able to control whoever is wearing the necklace.

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