Then It Was Gone

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"Hey, starless wonder. Drink your water" Johnathan called over to me. He had been a friend with me through nursing school. Again, more jokes that sucked. "I am not doing an IV on a nurse today."

I smiled and rolled my eyes at the little tease. "Promise that was a one-time only thing. Anyway, that wasn't my fault that I became dehydrated. You try working two doubles back to back."

"Whatever drink your water. No random dehydrations today, okay?" he said with a bit of a snap.

It was a little over a month ago that I had collapsed in a patient's room and every day, without hesitation he would come over here and hand me a water bottle with the same crappy dig. I had been lucky he was nearby and called for help. No one could explain what happened, so we just went with rapid dehydrate and I was alright with that.

I had camped out most of the night with Janet. She told me stories about battles in the stars. Half of them I am sure were made up and another quarter of them were on repeat. We had our lunch and dinner together. Janet never got visitors and no family ever came for her, so my days were spent with her.

I walked down the hall felt pain growing in my body. I quickly slipped into Janet's room looking at her for help and some explanation. She pointed to the window and I saw little men looking things and some flying armored eel. I looked out and grabbed the chair closest to the window.

"Most be losing my mind. Are there flying people and turtle eels floating all over the place?" I moan and feel the pain grow. It hurt down to my soul down to the core. I felt my body hurt like I landed on something hard and whimpered. My chest and head felt like they were imploding. Damn everything felt cold and painful, damn this person was radiating physical and emotional pain like no one's business.

"And my space stories use to make you giggle, now do you believe me?" Janet added with sass as I moaned. "Take it easy love. You need to breath. You can feel that pain, can't you?" Janet asked trying to comfort me from her bed. I held my chest as if adding pressure would make it easier to breathe.

I moaned and shivered as I felt the pain and cold disappear. I picked myself up and looked in horror as one of the big alien eels headed to the hospital. "We got to get out of here" was all I could say as my fingers quickly moved to unhook Janet from her machines. As soon as everything was unhooked, and I had her almost had her in my arms the building quaked and buckled. The floor above us dropped along with the floor next to the window something collided with me whipping me into the hallway. The last thing I says was a red suit flying where Janet once laid. I hit the remaining floor and felt the world go cold as ceiling tiles and the floor above crashed on top of me.

I woke up covered in dust feeling every broken bone and defeat. I felt the arms of a strange man in a blue and white suit pick me up. His rough uniform was stained with dirt and blood. It was caked in the mess. I reached towards him, but my body barely moved. I tried harder and yelped as I moved.

"Try not to move. We are transporting you to another" - and that was all I heard. I tried to look around, but my body wouldn't allow me. "We got a live one- careful." I heard him bark and soon his arms were replaced by something soft, a pinch of a needle, and the cold fluids entering my veins and a warm blanket on me. I welcomed darkness. There was no recovery in sight and no sight to recover.

I woke to the agitating sounds of beeping. The room was too bright and yet felt like midnight.I felt a hand on me and a heard a familiar "Easy there, (y/n). Take your time and don't move" I moaned and sat up as best as I could. My body aching in places I didn't know I had. "I will go grab a nurse and have her help."

"Wait John don't go. What happened? Where am I?" I asked my panic rising and the beeping increasing.

"Shh, take it ease. Let me get a nurse" I nodded and began to cry. the pain overtook me as spots took over my vision.

Shortly a nurse walked into my room announcing she was doing rounds and heard my screams. "Oh, dear what hurts?"

"Everything. Everything down to the core please get me warm please." I cried. I felt like my body was freezing from the inside and pain fill my body. I whimpered until the medicine finally took over the pain and I felt a numbing and tingling sensation speed through me. I fell back against the bed as the medicine coursed through me. I rested against the pillows and mattress. John stood with me and filled me on the details. He told me about the battle of New York and that Helmet Head escaped custody. Janet was gone and he didn't need to tell me that. I felt her leave my life and I cried for her. "Are you sure that their arent more?"

"Maybe wait a bit. She isn't ready for much more" whispered Bill.

"The doctor should be here soon, and I want to know who is still alive."

"Honestly, only 3 other nurses from our floor besides us." I looked at him as tears burned my cuts.

"What about the baby and Andy?" His silence told me everything. They were gone and we were all that were left of the floor. I nodded to him and he left to get the doctor. My whole world and family were gone. Gone because some helmet headed asshole wanted to rule the world.

A knock on the door interrupted my spiral. "Is it a good time?" The doctor asked, as if anytime would be a good time. I just lost everyone I ever felt was family. I had maybe 3 people left from my team. I just lost everything, and my heart was broken on multiple levels. I just nodded and he asked for permission to talk in front of John. I nodded again and he listed off a list of broken bones including wrist, ribs, and ankle. A couple skull fractures, a concussion and several lacerations with stitches across my back and stomach. "You are lucky to be alive" He said as he walked out of the room.

"Lucky or unfortunate? It's hard to tell." I mumbled under my breath. He didn't respond. The quietness was haunting, and it didn't make it easier when he turned on the news. It was just a terrible reminder of everything and everyone we had lost. No more Janet. No more hospital. No more godchild. No more Alex or all my friends. Gone, all gone. Taken by that damn gold horned helmet head who wanted to rule the world. I hope he felt all the bitterness and contempt I had for him. The world that I once new was gone. The cold, empty and heartlessness of reality fit me with the force of a thousand suns. The world felt like it would never be good again and I felt alone all over again. The family I had built through nursing, hospital training, internships and exams was gone. The broken shell of my hopes remained and crumbled like ash. My world, my life, my function was all gone. They were all gone, and I remained. The one that got away from some asshole in green with a horned helmet. I was the terrible reminder of the floors crushed in the attack. 

Across the Stars (Loki X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora