Compounds and Babble

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I woke up to burning pain in my throat and a gaint, muscular blonde towering over the bed. Thor was bigger in person and also more terrifying when standing above you. He was much better looking on Earth than in the low light of an Asgardian nights.

"The healer's helper said you requested to speak to me" he said coolly. "Did Loki request you to find me? Are you Loki playing another prank in disguise?"

"No" I choked out. My voice didn't work right and it hurt to talk. I looked at him with absolute panic. He on the other hand was ammused by the terrible pain and scratchy voice that possessed me. My voice felt raw and sounded even worst.

"Its alright. Seidr exhaustion can take many forms. Most times its like normal exhaustion except the particular specialty is normally hard to use for a few days. You probably didn't feel it since the doctor gave you a sedative and something for pain. Am I right to say you normally use spells?"

I nodded my head and he smiled. "So we have a baby witch on our hands, Frigg will be excited to find a new student. Wonderful addition to the team. Stark will be thrilled however I don't know how the rest of the team will take it. So what is the message is so important that you would risk your voice to tell me?"

"Paper?" I asked hopeful that he would understand my needs. I was grateful that he grabbing a pen to.

"Oh that might be a better idea. Talking isn't going to really help you is it?" he said smiling at himself. He excused himself and then grabbed the paper.

I shook my head and looked at him. He reminded me of a labador puppy. Absolutely cute but kinda dumb. No wonder why Loki thought he was the only intelligent life form in Asgard minus Frigg. I smiled trying to imagine the small version of him frustrated and pulling pranks on his brother. Little Loki was amussing or at least the glimpses I created were fun to watch.

Thor returned with a note pad and paper. It looked like he jacked it from the nurse's station.

"Alright, mighty witch. Spill your secrets." He said tossing me the note pad and pen. I wrote out the issues and dream of Loki. Then I wrote that Frigg needed to talk to him. He looked at me confused.

"How do you know Frigg?"

I just wrote out seidr teacher. Honestly, there weren't enough words, ink or pages to explain how much Frigg had helped me. She was like a the mother I never had. I am sure I wasn't the only witch she taught to say it but I was nice the have a guardian to teach me rigth from worng and the important duties that all Seidrbenderen shared, to the cosmos, to the natural order, and to all those we called brothers and sisters. For me, that was Asgard and Midgard. They were both home for me and my seidr. Thor wouldn't understand.

"You were the one in the garden with Loki, weren't you? Do you know where he is?" Thor asked.

I wrote out yes and then pointed to the page with the dream and directions to get there. It was all regarding feeling and finding a Winter's star in the sky. I asked if he understood and he said he would have to talk to Frigg. He walked the short way to the balconey and then disappeared in a ray of light. That must have been the Rainbow Bridge. It shattered some of the glass and left a burn mark that covered the hospital balconey. The burn marks were beautiful patterned but maintence didn't like it.

The nurse came over to check that I didn't get cut or hurt. I smiled and wrote that I was alright but my throat hurt. She went over and pulled out several vials. "Don't worry Thor told me a cure for the throt issue." She said as she mixed a little of this and a little of that into a small Dixie cup. The viles were old fashion but the delievery system was a little more current. Not like we had to worry about full accuracy to the script. Winging it was starting to become a normal for me.

I took it without complaining or a grumpy which was the fault of my vocal cords. The liquid burned and had the consistency of wet sand. It was a barely a liquid and more like a polymer. The grit cut and scrapped my mouth and throat. It didn't taste bad but it definitely didn't go down easy. I swallowed it but I was praying I only needed one dose because that was enough to last a life time.

'Try talking" she said encouragingly.

"Hey" i smiled hearing something that sounded like my voice. I looked at her and laughed. "Please never make me drink that ever again. Its like eating moonsand."She laughed and then told me that I was stable enough to leave the floor for a little while but I had to wear a stupid monitior. I wasn't thrilled by the monitior but I was happy to go explore.

"If you get dizzy, sick, faint, or any other symptoms press the red button. It will let me know and I will come find you. If you can get to a sitting position that will help." She said before giving me a robe. "It can be a bit chilly and we are still getting your bag moved to here. SHIELD is going to be hopefully claiming you as a new Avenger soon."

"But I want to go back to my old unit." I said looking at her. I had put so much work on my career and getting to where I got. Lord knows if Frigg could even help me while I was in here.

"(your name), you need to calm down. Your heartrate is dangerously high. Please calm down."she said as if telling me to calm down in a full panic attack was going to be helpful. I felt trapped and like the walls were closing in. The worst part was hearing it on the monitior. The eratic beeping and bipping sound of my heart rate. It raced higher and higher as I tried and failed to calm down. I ran from the unit and found myself in random hallways with no exits. I slammed into several people and followed my foot steps to a small peaceful garden. I rested my legs against the stones. I shattered in the Zen garden. The Tower was too much, the Avengers and fate and Frigg and Seidr. It was all to much to handle. I choked and coughed out my exhuasted frustration. My heart rate doubling and then slowing down to a normal upset pace. It wasn't normal. I wanted to be normal so I could just sit and breath, I wanted to be someone not so fucked up with all this envolved situations. It was hell trying to figure it all out and I couldn't keep it in any longer. I sat there and let it all out. I had no control over my life there was no free will for me anymore. The hopelessness hit harder than ever before. There was nothing I could do and I was subject to the fates. 

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