Hangovers and Hangouts

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Frigg wasn't kidding when she said waking up would hurt. I looked at my phone which shone with the fury of a thousand suns. I soon turned it back over after seeing we weren't doing jumps today due to weather, our current condition, and our plane needing to get serviced. After an extra three hours of sleep, I got up and saw the note from my roommate saying that they had stated in another room. The book Frigg gave me dropped to the floor, leaning down to pick it up I felt the dizzy, so I decided to sit on the floor. After the diziness wore off a little, I saw my doll and I knew I needed my friend. I moaned and traced the runes haphazardly until my little friend came alive.

"We are going to have to sort out a name for you little friend." I said. My voice was raspy and my throat was drier than the desert. "I think for now we will just stick to little friend, okay?"

The creature nodded and held my hand. I knew if his little skull had flesh, he would have expressed more concern but all he could do was pat my hand. It was an odd comfort but still enjoyable. I didn't realize how much energy it took to bring him to life until the diziness returned along with some new and wonderful friends to join the hangover party.

Everything was alright until the nausea and vomitting started. The pre-vomit dizziness was nothing compared to the post vomit experience. I truth, I felt like shit but Little Friend followed me and rubbed my back as I let it all out. No judgement from him as I sat there vommitting borderline naked in the bathroom.

At some points I could have sworn his little skull and body bounced with the same motions as someone laughing. If he was getting a kid out of this, I wouldn't blame him. Freshly inked, hungover, airbourne medic was a sight to be seen. It didn't take him long to climb and waddle to the sink to get me a cool compress. He sat there with his little legs swinging from the toliet ledge, head and tiny shoulders still moving like he was laughing.

"My little medical monster. That's it we will call you Monster." I said giving him a rhy smile. He was my monster and my magic brought him to me. "Come, Monster. We have a book of medical magic to learn after some coffee and medicine."

We stumbled and shuffled back to the bed and he scrambled up the covers to sit next to me on the pillow. I pulled out some antinausea and pain reliefing medicine to help me along with the biggest cup of coffee I could make.

"Monster, what do you think I should have for breakfast?" I said before sitting up and looking at the food on the desk on my side of the bed. He jumped down and fell on his face. After shaking his head and brushing himself off, he climbed the drawers and grabbed the toast and peanut butter which he threw down to the floor. As he approached the bed, he rolled the peanut butter and dragged the bread as if it was a sled. I didn't know if it was because the magic or the clay from Asgard, but he held up the jar and then the loaf of bread for me. I scooped him up and sat him again on the pillow after giving his tiny skull a kiss. I grabbed the knife that was by my dresser and made myself and him a sandwich, while he opened the book. It was in runes which I hadnt seen since I was in the hospital with Janet.

I let out a deep sigh and began to find my notes, until I realized I could understand it. I looked at my little friend and we began to read.

The day seemed to run away hurriedly as we read. My roommate never returned and that was alright because several members reached out and texted me that they were all alright along with a tiny photo of them all asleep in the room across the hall.

My tiny bed filled with a messy group of snacks. Little Friend constantly ran to the fridge for me as I was busy working at understanding the language and magic. It was all so simple but yet so strange there were so many branches and some required different movements or elements depending on species. I would need to learn the autonmy of Asgardians and anyone else Frigg would recommend. All this new knowledge made my head swim with possibilities.

When I was either eating or studying, Little Friend seemed to get very bored. He would sit with me and tap at important pieces. When I would ignore him or not read fast enough, he would stomp on the bed or jump down or do something until I paid attention. At one point, he had made my roommate's bed, cleaned the floor, sorted the laundry, and cleaned the bathroom. He truly was a grumpy but helpful friend.

He seemed to be agitated and worried like he was the one pressed for time. I looked at him and he would turn to me. His skull tilted as if waiting for me to ask for something. When he was done with his cleaning mission, he came over to me and snuggled my elbow. He would point at random words, mostly the word practice.

"I can't practice. I don't know what I am doing and I really don't want to wreck you or the room." I said looking down. He looked at me for a moment until his eye sockets started to drip tears. His little tears were a murky clay gray and water. I looked at him and pulled him close. "Its okay Little Friend. We will ask Frigg to help us so we can practice and research more about the other races." I said as I rubbed his back.

His little hands reached up and pulled me close. He was very upset that he could not help me with the task. He stayed there for a little while and then tucked himself betwee n me and the book. He would point at different illistrations and mimick the different poses in the book. It was cute the way his little rag doll body warped and twisted itself into the different poses.

After getting about half way through the book, I had to take a break. I walked out of the room and walked to get some of fresh air. It smelt like rain, like a fresh storm on the horizon. I giggled rememberingthe story of Thor from Janet. I missed her deeply. She was so sweet and she knew everything about this life. I wished I could see her again to talk to her, to hug her, and to explain this insane new world I was beginning to learn.

Learning without interuption really help digest and absord the information. It all just made sense. I looked up at the clock when Little Friend pulled the book away from me. It was almost 6pm and I know Frigg would be waiting for me. I had a feeling a quiz was rapidly approaching. Little dude seemed so excited to go back to Asgard.

I made sure everything was put away and that the book was tucked under my arm. I left a note on the door hoping not to be disturbed. Knowing my group, they probably still thought I was drunk. I hadn't left the room all day and they wouldn't understand even if I tried to explain. Little Friend found the crook of my arm and curled up there. I took a few deep breathes and then I was there. 

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