Storytime and Nightmares

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"I will try to get something pleasant for you." I said looking at him. He nodded and I tried to imagine what a god would like to dream of. There were so many places and experiences he could have already had. I looked into my favorite memories and connected him to

"Trust me, anything is better than here." He whispered looking in my head and seeing the chaos of thoughts running quickly through. He was right an ugly hell that he was dreary and tormenting.

"It's not nice to spy in my head." I said giving him a cheeky smile.

"Its not nice to illegally drug people but I think we can forgive ourselves for once." He said calmly. He was funny and teasing. It was nice to see him relaxed and enjoying himself.

I mind linked with him and sent him a dream that included him. It was simple but beautiful. We were out in a cabinet in the woods. It was winter with a frozen lake. I had taken him skating on the swirled with different hues of blue and white. The trees covered in a thick frost.

"Come on Mr. snowman. Show me how well the Jotuns can skate." I said skating across the lake towards him.

Loki took off his boots and walked across the ice slowly changing from Asgardian to Jotun. I smiled seeing the see turn even more blue as he walked. We skated and played a half good game of hockey for several hours. He was a dirty cheat who used magic. He laughed every time especially when he grabbed my waist and lifted me out of his way. Loki's beautiful garnet red eyes cutting the field of blue. He only closed them when he laughed. He was better at the game because he could walk, and it was my first time on skates. My skates glided on the slippery surface and I came to the bank. He walked towards me giggling. Thor and Frigg waved to us from the window. We walked into cabin and the smell of Christmas filled our noses. Pine, vanilla, and cinnamon enveloped us. I walked over to the stove and pour him and I a cup of hot chocolate. It was thick and warm that made us both relax and warm up to the cabin. We soon all sat by the fire looking at each other and flames as we traded winter traditions and battle stories.

A shaky laugh broke my concentration. "You have quite the imagination little witch. Your seidr is strong but my mother beckons you back. I can feel her pull on you astro form. Staying here is only going to hurt you and you might hurt her in the process. Please go and find me again my witch." He said looking down at the vent. He was so sad and I fought a little more try to stay with him.

"I don't want to leave you all alone. Not now, not when I am so close to-" I didn't finish. The dream was slipping

"I have your dream. I will seek you there until you come to me or I meet you in the halls of Valhalla. Good-bye little witch" He said and the world of Jotuns and chains disappeared. My head ached and my stomach cramped. For the longest time I was free floating in the void of nothingness that spread itself over the distance between There was nothing and then there was darkness filled with the sound of vomiting and the pain of my abdomen increasing. It ripped and pulled me. The pain between my soul, body, and mind. I could barely find which way was up and where the hell I was falling too. I found my body and crashed into only to feel the searing pain of lightening and a fist pounding my chest as someone shook my legs. I scream and saw nothing but darkness. A new void taking the place of the one that took the ship and Loki fair from me. There I was on my first plane mission. There was something strange about being on a plane full of strangers. I had been in the company years ago but they had all died in different fashions. Sickness, disease, injuries, they had dead not together but thousands of miles and years apart. The sands of the first mission along with the stench of raw untamed emotions stole my vision. I reached out to the captain who only looked at me with her gun in hand and blood streaming from her temple where two bullet holes made a window to her brain.

"The dead bid you to come find us. Find us and fight to bring us to the land of our forefathers." A voice of one of the beheaded soldier's called to me. His doomed voice soon choked on his blood.

"You could have saved us" one called out and they soon all continued the chant. "Your fear condemned us" Another line to the endless blame and guilt I felt. "Murdering witch." The voices grew louder

The seen changed to the hospital on the day before the attack. My friends were there, and they were alive. Janet was in her room waving to me. The world was still good and beautiful. There was hope and everyone was safe. I wanted to stay right here. I turned and ran towards Janet's room only to have the small hallway stretch.

I walked to her and she nodded her head pointing to my friends. I walked over to them only to see the scene changed to the bloody corpses that swayed in the distance scrubs sullied with dirt, building rubble, and bodily fluids. "You damned us. You could have saved us. Where were you in our time of need? Why didn't you save us? Why didn't you heal us?" they cried out one by one. The voices soon creating a shrieking, shrill sound. I ran away and stopped when the voices stopped. I turned back to see burned skeletons dry up and crumble. Their ashes were the only proof that it they had really been a part of my dream.

I walked away and found Janet in her warm room. She patted her bed like she had always done. "Janet, Asgard is real. Its beautiful just like you told me. I have missed you so much my friend. If you hold on to me, maybe I can take you there with me. Janet, take my hand I am sure Frigg can-"

"This is just a dream, wake up my dear. The world you see around you is gone and the souls that you care with you is slowly dragging you down. Please let us go. Let us go before everything you think about is the damage. This was not your fault. It wasn't his either. This was bound to happen. We can not fight the fates nor the natural order of events."

"Janet please just let me take you with me please. I need you." I said nearly begging to remain with her

"Oh, child, it was never you who needed me. It was always I who needed you. You saved me from the hell of loneliness. Now please go and rescue the God who Lies. He slumbers in the hope to see you again." She spoke of Loki with such poetry and gentleness. If they had met, they would have been friends. I just sat there, closed my eyes, and nodded. She kissed my forehead and gave my hand a squeeze. I missed her so bad and I could only think of all the trouble the three of us could have gotten into. She was everything to me and soon Frigg had taken her place.

"I am always with you. I promise I won't leave you. but you need to wake up" he voice slowly slipped into Frigg's calm voice. "Wake up, (your name)!" she screamed, and my eyes found the Asgardian palace's bright lights. 

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