The True Feelings Set Free

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Thor bowed to us and returned to his seat as we finished our meal. It wasn't long before the night sky darkened and the stars became the only subjects on the twinkling on. It was getting late and there was a lot that Frigg and I had to discuss. Hopefully, we could get rid of Thor soon and make our way to a safe place to talk. Once Frigg and I were done laughing and eating, we finished our mead. As we stood, Thor came back done and walked with us. We all walked out of the hall and turned down one of the endless halls. Our robes grew thick and warm again to protect us from the coolness of the air. As we walk, Frigg thought of a thousand memories of Thor embarrasing himself. Like when he ran into the court meeting as a toddler naked and announced he had a penis. I couldn't help but let out a laugh as we continued the journey back to our chambers, the memories became more embarrassing. She also snickered and giggled. I sent her funny memories of patients doing dumb stuff or me during train or college. Stealinf lunch trays to go sledding, helping patients give birth, baking cookies in the microwave. She laughed seeing the fire department put out the microwave that was on fire. Thor looked between us, completely confused. He remained between us as we walked but that didn't stop us from sharing. We walked and made it to his room first. Of course his room over looked a training field close to the kitchen.

"Well, this is my room. I beg your forgiveness but there are many matters I must review for tomorrow. Plenty of things for me to work on." He said. I was no lie detector but I didn't have to figure out he was full of crap. He couldn't stop figgiting and looking at his door. He may have been a strong hero but he was no match for two witches. Not one who was his mother and one who could manipulate people.

"My son, that was the worst lie I have ever heard." She said shaking him. "Thor, what sort of trouble are you looking to get into?" Frigg asked wondering what the Hel he could need to do or what plans he was tryign to create. Frigg had secret mother powers that could help push him to talk but I could manipulate him to do it. My way was faster and not painful. I placed my hand on Thor's arm and the truth spilled out like water out of an overturned bucket.

"According to (your title preference) (your name)'s dream or vision from Midgard, Loki was still alive and there could be a possibility of saving my wayward brother. I am sure after some time to heal and relax, he would be able to find forgiveness. He would be able to win Odin's favor by apologizing and return the Tesseract. He would return to us and be a part of our family again. I would have my brother again and we wouldn't be fighting anymore." He said. His tears were almost soaking his robes. He looked at me as I offered him a hug. He took it and embraced me, his tears flowing wildly. It wasn't long until my robes had some of his sadness and his pain. I hugged him and rubbed his back. Thor was a gaint, emotional man who wanted to have his family whole again. It was interesting to walk his mind. The pain of Loki's leaving over and over again. The silly tricks they had play on each other. They were best friend and brothers but they had slowly drifted apart because Odin played favorite. It was only made worst by Loki's fear of being discovered as a frost gaint. There was nothing that Thor really did to Loki except copy Odin's distrust and behavior. He lost his brother to win the favor of his father.

"(your title choice) (your name), I think it might be time to let him go." Frigg said. "I think the mead has effectived your control on emotional control." She said as broke away from Thor. "I think you are causing him to feel the empathy and he isn't ready to let it all out" she whispered looking at me and then to Thor. He was sniffling like a child who had just lost a game and realized his friend was leaving him to hang out with someone else. He didn't know why he pushed his brother away, but he knew that he did. Sooner or later Thor was going to find out that Loki was a Frost gaint. The last son of the Jotuns. The rightful king to a race of the hidden and dead.

It was hard to watch Thor choke on his emotions. I looked at Frigg who had walked my mind. She felt the pain of both her sons. After one last sniffle, I passed him some some peace and strength. Frigg nodded to me but was a little mad of my carelessness. "He already knows about me. Passing him some feelings of peace was no worse than when I walked his mind and made him cry. Please don't be mad at me fixing the pain I accidently exposed." I said through our neuro link.

She shook her head and looked at Thor. "Maybe you should stay with is for a while. It might be more productive and easier for us to work together instead of creating 2 separate plans and crashing into each other later." She said and we all nodded in agreement. " Come with me to my chambers and we will talk all about it. We already have to go so I can give (title of choice) (your name) a long waiting friend." she said and with a wink towards me she turned to walk down the hall.

We followed her and soon caught up to her as she slid into her chambers. "Thor, where is Odin? Is he here on Asgard?" she asked cautiously opening her room which was a mostly a study.

"No, the All Father remained on Midgard to see if he can help locate more beings like (your pronoun). Beings with extraordinary skills like the Lady Wanda or the red man called Vision." He said choosing his words carefully. "He is also looking to set up a more permanent solution and arrangement between the Midgardian Avangers and the warriors of Asgard. I think it is to help with Ragnarok and the apocolapse that Midgard is often terrified of." I nodded. Midgard was pretty focused on death and destruction.

Frigg nodded. "Never has there been a planet so fixated on its destruction. They have a thousand different predictions of how their world will end and all of them don't make any absolutely sense but they are all about themselves and planetary disasters, most of them they create themselves like pollution, food shortages or a new type of plague. Like they have any reasons creating or finding plague to weaponize. Don't they understand how sickness spreads? Just because its realized in one place does mean that it will stay there. It causes global sickness. They have stomach illnesses, flues, and common sickness called colds. Those pread in a heart beat so why generate something worse than that?" she asked looking at me like I would have had the magical answer to her question.

"Honestly, Midgardians aren't the most empathic or responsible party. We kinda sucked at being kind or thinking things through." I said. It was true. There was a serious lack of care for our planet and us.

"That's because you are made in His image and with His brains." Frigg spat out. "Any woman or witch would have thought it out more. Instead the Aesir left Odin in charge and look what happened. Nine realms in choas and races slowly dying. He was so smart when he made his utopia and took up only the sword and spear when he felt like being incharge. He never cared about anything besides power and having an heir that thought like he did. He is the reason the stupid Midgardians are mostly only focused on money and themselves. The places where seidr touched, the people care about their neighbors. Its more about life and living in harmony. Thor, pray in your heart that you can forgive Loki and I for lying."

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