Dreams and Returns

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There was my blue man who looked as sore as I did. He had bruises and cuts everywhere. He was beautiful and yet he seemed mad and exhausted. It had been weeks since I had last seen him.

"What happened to you?" I asked and he looked at me with soft red eyes.

"Like you look any better. What are you doing and why are you doing this? You look like shit and you are hurting." He spat. I rolled my eyes and he growled at me.

"Oh, so you can feel my pain. I am doing this so I can help those who suffered like I did." I said trying to be confident in my answer. I felt like shit and I had been lying to myself about my purpose and he didn't need the truth. I was in pain, but it was almost graduation, so I just had to make it.

"Really?" He looked at me "I can tell when someone is lying, and I feel like you arent telling me the whole truth. You feel guilty for being alive, don't you? Frigga told me."

"No, I want to be useful. Look if you are just going to warp my words- "I spit as he cut me off like he seemed to enjoy doing.

"Oh Darling, I am not warping anything. I am just being honest. Let's be real, you can hardly breathe and you're in pain. Now if you are going to be honest, you feel guilt and you want to be useful."

"Yes. Fine you win. Why the hell are you here when I am almost through training?"

"Frigga sent me. She says we should talk more often although I don't know how some mortal is going to help me. I am a god and frost giant and so much more. What can you offer me that I don't already know?"

"Obviously, nothing, since you know everything and can do everything. All hail Mr. Know-it-all. Let me bow for you my King" I said mockingly and that pissed him off.

"Frigga was a fool to think you could be of some help. Either way I am heeding her advice and staying in contact with you. Frigga is hardly ever wrong, and I don't doubt that she has some plan for you, mortal. Just do us all a favor and don't die."

"You still haven't told me what happened to you, Mr. Frosty."

"Childish nicknames will get you nowhere with me." He said with a growl which made me giggle.

"Sorry but you never gave me a name to call you. I look like this is because I am training every day."

"I am dealing with some seriously pissed off giants trying to figure out my birthright and my past if you must know. It's hard to be king when you don't know your history."

"Tell me what you know. I like stories and I am ready to sleep for a bit." I said hoping he would stay. It was nice to have a friend here for the first time in almost 8 weeks.

"Oh, sometimes I forget how fragile you mortals are. You are needy and pathetic creatures."

"You are the first being I have seen in weeks that isn't also in uniform. For the love of God just tell me what is going on or go away. Either way I need rest." I said almost shouting.

"Sleep mortal. I will tell you – "he stopped midway through his sentence as arrow pierced his shimmering image. He held his side as he bled and disappeared.

My eyes widened in horror. My friend, my blue man was gone. Bleeding and hurting on some icy place, he was going to die. I felt the fear and anxiety rise in me and that spilled into my team. They felt that aching panic, like a child feels when they are loss or like when a close friend or relative dies. The shallow breathing and deep aches of despair that made us all feel sick and broken.

The next day we were all a mess and it was my fault. I couldn't control my emotions, but I tried focusing on things. We were all so numb which made the drills, runs, classes and everything in between problematic. We did wonderful on times and shot accuracy but pass that we had no heart or soul in our work. I wished I could say that I was fine but day three of missing him, but it was honestly a week before I got any hope back that he was alive.

I was showing and trying to feel the warmth of the water before class started. A glowing window opened beside me and a lady peered at me.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, I am Frigga. I know you have been communicating with my son and I wanted to know if he had contacted you recently."

"No, I haven't heard from anyone but if I can be blunt, how can someone so human have a frost giant child? Like is that even possible?" I asked.

"Oh, there are many things that are possible, but he is my adopted son. My real son looks more like me and my husband." She smiled and then looked at my back. "Where did you get your scars from?"

"Battle of New York, I was a nurse and the building partly collapsed on me. I guess I can thank Loki for that."

"Oh," she said looking away "you are no friend of Loki?"

"Not really ma'am. His actions killed a lot of my friends and nearly killed me." I said getting dressed and tying my boots. "Is your son anything like Loki?"

"They are both really close to him. I understand your pain, but I think Loki was just misguided and broken. The stone in his staff controlled and poisoned his mind. Surely, you as an empath could understand that." She said and I could almost swear I had seen that smile before.

"Janet?" I asked and she gave me a wink. Another ring of light appeared behind her and my blue man stood there. "Oh, there you are my dear." She said looking at him. She turned back to me, gave me a nod, a good luck smile and disappeared as I heard them call for class to begin. I ran nearly late, but I made it just in time to not get smoked by the sergeants.

"Sorry for running late."

"Its alright dear." Valeria said. "Week 9 and you are almost ready. I am so proud of my class. You seem to have had some positive attitudes and none of you have failed or left. I am so proud of you. Honestly, I am so surprised that you have all stayed. Graduation and advance training will be upon us soon. Next week is testing. Now for your last lesson- "She started but I was a million miles away 

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