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I opened my eyes to see Bill and Laura talking to EMTs and being pulled into the back of an ambulance.

"What happened?" I said, my throat raw and horse.

"Hey it's alright. You just rest and we will get you checked out. Just stay still" I nodded and rest against the gurney. It wasn't comfortable, but it wasn't the worse thing in the world. It was cold and the blankets that they rested on me didn't help me get warm. I was still shaking, and my body was covered in goosebumps. I saw so much pain and torture. No one deserved that kind of death. My eyes were heavy and when they finally closed, I melted into the darkness. I felt the worsening cold and opened my eyes. I was back in the dream.

"Who are you, witch?" said the blue colored man. He was much taller than a man and had blue horns that parted his hair. His black danced in the wind. He was a whirlwind of danger and beauty.

"I'm (your name) and I am not a witch. Who are you and what are you? I mean where are we since I am here too?" I asked hoping he would give me a location that I knew.

"I am in Jotunheim on the Viti Frodleikr Mountain. You are some fiction of my imagination I dreamt in my delirious state." He stated matter of fact. He was rude and rather annoying.

"Oh, but why would you dream of me? I am in an ambulance and you don't know me at all."

"Then I guess this is your dream then, mortal" he hissed. I walked over to the far wall and my shaking stopped but his attitude had yet to fix itself. If this was a dream, it was definitely a rude one.

"You still haven't told me your name. What am I to call you and what are you?" I asked hopeful.

"I don't have to answer you and you should know who I am mortal." He snapped.

"I think I would have remembered a tall, horned, blue alien with red eyes if it came to Earth. Apparently, we have a lot of aliens coming to my world. First Thor and that metal thing a few years back, now Helmet head and you. Are you one of the aliens that controlled the ugly turtle-worm beast thing?"

"No, that was the Chitauri, mortal. Who the Hel is Helmet Head?" he asked. "Do you mean Loki?"

"You would have known if you were on my planet dummy. You know the guy with the gold horns and green and black wardrobe. Somehow, he escaped the Avengers, but I am sure he will get caught." I said and then added, "I don't want to give him a name. He has no power if he remains nameless. He took everything from me and there is no one or thing I hate more than him."

The blue man looked sad and disappointed. I gave him a shy smile and walked towards him. "Did he hurt you too? Did he strand you here? He has that mind control stone. I heard one of the Avengers was under his spell." He seemed hurt and in desperate need of someone to trust. He was sad and alone on his mountain. Maybe, if he wasn't so rude, people would want to be with him and maybe he wouldn't be so fucking alone and pitiful.

"No Loki doesn't control me, but I doubt he has had much control at all" He said looking down at the floor. He was defending him. A complete stranger defining him. I had hoped that this poor horned blue man had Stockholm Syndrome or something, but he was being honest.

"Who cares who had control, it all comes down to personal choice. He chose to kill and hurt people." I couldn't believe he was defending him.

"Not like anyone was going to hand him power. What would you have done mortal to take power for yourself? If you were going to take over Midgard." he offered as he sat comfortably on a pile of ice.

"Midgard? where the hell was Midgard? I don't remember that country."

"The thing you call Earth" he offered as a definition and rather annoyed. Like I was suppose to know.

"You aren't wrong none of us would handle over-power, but we would listen to suggestions. Maybe he could have taken over a small company or country or he could have done other things like spoken like a prophet or I don't know. As a nurse, I know people take better care of themselves and listen more with gentle and subtitle suggestions versus instead of commandments."

He huffed and gave you a smile. "Let me help you out of here. Its freezing and your blue. You'll get sick."

He laughed "Not worth bothering with mortal. You can't transport me with this illusion of you."

Trying to prove him wrong, I reach out to grab his arm and see my hands go right through them.

"Told you. It's no use trying to get me out mortal. This is just a of talking." He said swiping through me.

"Umm hey solo from Blue Man group, what is happening?" I watched as my hands and arms started to disappear. As time progressed, so did my body fade. I freaked out as more and more disappeared.

"Its fine. You are returning to your world mortal. Relax and – "he said something, but I was already freaking out. Darkness took me and the bright annoying lights of the hospital found me.

"Easy there, tiger. That's the third fit you have had since the house calm yourself. The doctor is coming." Bill offered in comfort as he held my hand and rubbed my back. "Its alright deary. You're okay."

"Bill, where am I? Where is the planet? Where is the horned blue man that was stuck on the ice?" I said panting and gulping down my breath and spitting. I was still shaking and felt the bone chilling cold.

"I don't know what ship you are talking about or a blue man, but you are here in the hospital. John and Laura went to go make themselves some coffee. It's alright. You are going to be fine but damn you scared the hell out of us." He said smiling at me. "You are safe and here. It was just a wild dream."

"It must have been a dream. A really bad dream. What happened?" I asked looking up at him.

"You went out like a light and after a bit you convulsed so we called an ambulance just in case you had a seizure or something else happening. Could have been a really bad reaction to everything and the medicine because you don't have any blood clots and your scans were fine." He said reading my charts.

I nodded my head and smiled hearing Laura and John laughing as they walked down the hallway. I smiled at them as they walked into my room. "Hey guys"

"Hey there, how are you feeling? How is the head?" Laura asked smiling at me.

"I will be alright, I think. I had a crazy dream though. When do you think the doctor will clear me?"

A man looked at me "Hopefully, today. I plan on having this bed cleared for a slumber party tonight." 

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