The Misery Bay

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I looked at the misery and pain he was in. Thinner than before, more wild, more hollow. He was barely more than skin and bones. His bright blue body covered in sweat, steam, and blood. His wrists only thing keeping him defying gravity. There was another blow blunt end of a spear, another blow of boiling steam, another scream. I pushed towards him as much strength as I could and looked at him. The pain clearly breaking him. They were going to soon have either the location or the corpse of the last royal Jotun. Blood dripped and the cuts on his body stung as sweat and engine steam made their way into his body. The guards left Loki in the barely visible engine room.

"You are either a fool or deaf. I told you to run. If he senses you here, he will kill you." He snapped out. "Are all witches as dim witted and suicidial as you and Frigg?" he said accusingly.

"Don't know, I haven't meant any others. Besides this isn't a social call. I meant up with the Avengers. Frigg and Thor send their love. Right now we are dealing with the Avengers and then we will be on our way to find you." I said trying to give him hope. Trying to give him something to live for, to hang on to.

"Don't waste your time. By the time you find me, I will be dead. I don't have much time, just keep it safe. And for Vallahalla's sake do not bring your books off world." He said and I walked to the vented chained Jotun. His skin was paper thin and a dull hue of blue. It looked worst than crepe paper.

"Here, take these for me. I don't need this as much as you do." I said healing some of his internal wounds and taking some of his pain. It was hard to do over the neurolink, but it helped him a little. I bit my cheek and lip when I felt his pain. It was a lot of damage and he was going to need surgery and a ton of time to heal. This was going to be a long road towards recovery and he wasn't going to like it.

"What are you?" he said looking at me. I smiled and continued to take the pain.

"Just a field medic from Midgard." I said kissing his forehead. We stood there in the engine room, just looking at each other. Silently communicating the need to be free and the desire to heal. He wasn't going to make it much longer and I could feel my body pulling me back to Midgard. I looked around and found loose chain. One link I wrapped in a piece of his torn clothing. I chanted and prayed that the spell would work. I had only done a spell like this when I was in my real body.

"Loki, this may not be comfortable and please don't confuse this for sexual harrassment or advances of any nature but I have to hid this." I tried to remember where I could conceal something in his body.

His eyes flittered open. "Not my butt." At least his humor survive the hell he was in. I rolled my eyes.

"I wasn't going to do that, but we could if you wanted me too. You might like it." I said with a laugh.

"Hell no. Find somewhere else." He growled.

"Okay so from what I can remember of Jotun anatomy, there is an extra rib and curl, right?" I asked him looking for confirmation. I shoved the rest of the chain into my pants pocket.

"True, but how" I didn't let him finish. I kissed him and shoved my hand and attached the link to his rib.

I took my hand out and the link remained. "There, all better. I should be able to find you know." I said looking at him. It was gross sliding into someone else's body but it did work.

"Why the kiss?" he said glaring at me. I was blushing that my first kiss in a while and it was a silencer.

"It was to cover your scream. I know if they heard you we would be screwed." I whispered his name to the chain and it lite up. I traced his face and he soon drifted into unconciousness. The spell and the pain must have taken it out of him. The ship, the engine room, and my Jotun soon disappeared into the darkness. The dream and neuro link quickly collasped and I felt the darkness all around me. It was cold and there was no stars. I drifted back and felt my astro projection find my body.

I opened my eyes and smiled at Frigg. "You saw him didn't you?" she asked eager for a scrape of news.

"Hey Frigg, we got to go find him. He isn't going to last much longer." I said looking at her.

"Thor and Odin are trying to convince the Avengers of that right now. You look terrible. The doctor said your body just start bleeding and bruising and then disappear. What happened?" She asked as she rubbed my hand. I felt cold as if still wandering alone in the empty darkness. My vision still clouded.

"I saw him get beaten and I just felt his pain. I took it for him for a while while we talked. He is so sick Frigg and I fear we don't have time for those men to make a decision with the shape he is in." I said hoping she would understand my meaning. Knowing men, it was some battle of who was bigger.

She looked at me first puzzled and then it dawned on her. "I agree dear. If it takes much longer, we will have to go get him ourselves after returning to Asgard. No reason to get Odin and Thor in trouble. For now, rest and I will see what they intend to do. I may have to advise you to medical treatment on Asgard for your various conditions." She said leaving with a quick nod. I turned on my side and laid down until she came back. I rested in the cool room. It was nice to be alone but that also made me worry more.

She came back in a whirl of fabric. She was angry or very annoyed, it was often hard to tell the difference when looking at her. "Politicians, they waste time, engery and lack effectivity. We haven't the time to challenge each other. I'm sorry dear but I am going to need you to astro project you with a ton of problems. As many as you can think of so I can get you out of here. I wish there was something more I could do for the pain that you are in." She winked and called for the doctor in a panicked worried voice.

The nurse came in and looked at her and I. I pretended to be in wrathing pain. My joints, ligaments, bones, everything hurt is some form. Some burned and others ached. I projected myself with the same injuries that Loki had. Any injury and description that could go with it, I complained. I felt weak, cold, clamy, and sick. I even threw up several times to sell it. Frigg looked like a worried mother and she talked about transporting me. The nurse sprinted down the hall and called for the doctor who gave me more medicine. Hours later they checked in on me and I had faked a seizure and then screamed in pain. Screaming that the medicine burned and made everything worse. The nurse, the doctor and Frigg went outside. Frigg stated that I could die at any moment if I didn't get the rigth treatment. They all silently muttered. She said it was witches fever and that could only be cured with a chemical mixture that couldn't survive the trip from the herb garden to Midgard. While witch sickness was a real problem, it was commonly cured with easily bought herbs but they didn't know and we didn't have the time. 

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