Drunken Magic

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I felt bullet proof and wild. The warmth from the alcohol was spreading from my face to my body and for the first time I felt happy. After another few rounds at the bar, we all stumbled back to the barracks were we said our goodnigths and left each other alone.

As soon as I could I disappeared into my bunk. It was a good day and a wonderful evening and then I remembered. Frigg was waiting for me and I was going to be in a lot of trouble.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus but I was so late for this lesson. She stood there in the garden where I had met her the night before. Arms cross and a slightly annoyed look on her face, I didn't need to be a genius to figure out she was pissed off.

"You are late and your arm is covered. What happened?" she asked pointing to my shoulder. I tried to roll down my sleeve but it was too late.

She came over to me and examined the fresh tattoo and let out a sigh. Finally, she moved my sleeve to cover it. "I am impressed. I would have gone for something different, but it suits you. Better not show my husband or sons, I fear they may grow jealous and make even worse decisions."

"Yes ma'am"

"What is that on your breathe?" She asked nearly gagging.

"Sorry, we all survived Halo Jumps and went out for drinks. That is also why I am late." I said with my cheek redden.

"So you're drunk." She sighed

"Not completely, just partly."I smiled up at her as that would make it better. Unfortunately it didn't. She looked sad and worn down.

"Let me sober you up before you hurt someone or yourself." She said with a huff. She held my hand and pressed her other hand to my forehead, whispering under her breath, and soon the warmth and pseudo-happiness was gone.

"You still get the hang over when you wake up but at least no drunk magic on Asgard. I don't need another magic incident"

"What happened?"I asked curious to what was so traumatic that she had to take away my warm, fuzzy, happy feeling.

With another sigh, she started. "Well, since no magic is getting done today, I will tell you magical law and way drunk magic is a bad idea. There once were two princes who were loved by the parents. They trained together, fought and played together. In all ways these two sons were wonderful and understood their limits. The first one was strong and brave, he took after his father. He would be king one day if he followed the rules. The second son was more like his mother, wise and gifted with magic just like you. Well one night after fighting with each other, the young princes came down for dinner. They had both been old enough to drink for a long time by now. The old son had gone more muscular and bigger, where the other brother was slender and pale. Well, the eldest son had won the fight that day, but the problem came when he declared it loudly in the dining hall that night. The second son drank at first because he was thursty and now to forget. Well, needless to say they both looked equally bad, but the youngest looked worse for wear. He had to surpress magic during the fight while his brother got to use his gift of strength. As the night carried on, the eldest taunted the youngest, calling him this and that along will challenges that the youngest would never accept to do. The parents had told him to stop tormenting his younger brother but that did nothing to presaude him. Soon, the young prince grew very tired of his brother's teasing and summoned all the cutlery from the hall to surround his brother.Soon the forks and spoons began to poke and hit him. The knifes just hoovered for a moment before their mother intervened and turned them to sand. The prince who won the first fight cried to his parents about his brother's cruelty while the other son prepared himself for punishment by eating some potatoes, drinking a little more mead, and giving his mother a cheeky grin."

She took a breath and smiled looking at the moons in the sky. "You seem very fond of the youngest son."

"Yes, I am he was one of my first students who was really gifted. Similar to you, he was very talented." Frigg said looking at me and for the first time I could see she was sad like she was missing someone. I felt it, like a deep longing for someone just beyond reach.

"Its not nice to do that to other people." She said looking at me.

"I'm sorry, I am just not used to controlling it yet."

"Then tonight's lesson will be on control. Come here and I will show you." She said tapping on the near by bench. I obeyed and sat down looking at her.

"Emotions are hard to control. I watched you struggle with that while you started your drills. My son informed me of your progression but neither the less you have control of it, just not as much as you should. Clear your head and think of the most powerful emotion you can think of."

"Grief" I said out loud and from there I hear thousands of wailing voices.

"For the love of Odin, I said think not speak. Now everyone is in mourning here. Think of its opposite, what is the opposite of grief?" she asked nervously and slightly more angry.

"Joy, genuine peace" I spoke out loud and the grieving stopped. The wailing and the tears stopped. There was peace.

"Very good. Now, with your emotional connection to people, you need to be more careful. What you speak is how many people will feel, for instance you caused everyone to grief. I know you have been having issues with projection your emotions on to everyone. The best thing to do is to try not to feel them but that is the least likely to work. The next best thing is to channel that emotion into something else. For instance, if you are upset hold a tiny plant and let your pain fill the plant, while the plant may die, it will be better than you hurting your team or friends. Your little friend can also help by just listening when you are feeling anger, uncontrolled or upset. Your new found love for body inking may also come in handy. Once they healed come back to me and I will work on them."

"Thank you Frigg." I said smiling. I finally felt like I had a friend since I lost Janet and John.

"You aren't getting off that easy, here is a book on magical enchantments and healing properties of magic. Know it. You better come prepared tomorrow." She said and with that I awoke back in my bed. 

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