A New Adventure

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A month passed and I was happily convulsion and stitch free. For the most part I was ready for work. It was wonderful to be free again to do most things by myself. Grant it, most things had a dull ache, but it wasn't as bad as when I first woke up.

I still had dreams of the blue man in the ice mountain. He was beautifully broken, and I ached to help him. I missed him. I reminded myself daily that it was stupid to miss a fictional character of my dream. It would be alright because soon I would be on my way to my next adventure.

I continued on my day and kept applying to new jobs. There were a few more in the city but the one that looked the most promising was a field nurse with Global Health. They had been deployed to New York when there were events like 9/11 and the Battle for New York which only happened a little more than ago.

I sat around my laptop to see if the head nurse and the other people in charge would even consider me. Finally, after a few Skype calls and interviews I was given the approval to join the team. I couldn't wait to be on my way. She told me to get my shots up to date and to finish my recovery because there would be no time in the field to conduct field medicine on myself. She told me to send her my recorders once the doctors cleared me and that we would do some training for field mass casualty events as nurses. A year of training and remaining stateside was totally fine by me. After that gods only know where I would be heading.

A few days later we all gathered around to figure out where we were all going to be working. John found a local position with the small hospital down the road. Laura and Bill would be working at the city hospital until the city finished rebuilding our old hospital. Nik was still waiting to hear back from an opening with Stark Tower for a small medical team.

"What do you have up your sleeve?" Nik asked me with a devilish smile.

"Well if you must know. I have been offered to work with the Global Health as a field nurse. After a year of training in the states, I will be somewhere around the world."

Everyone stood there with a gasp. "So, we get one more year of you and then you will be literally somewhere else? Like overseas, in a different country?"

"Yeah, they want me to recover and get a whole host of shots. Guys this is going to be great"

"We almost lost you in New York and we all worked on the same floor. You are going to be in the middle nowhere and we won't be able to help you. What happens if you get hurt? Are you sure you want to do this (y/n)?"

"Laura, I will be fine. I don't start training until I am healed. This is going to be great and I will write you all the time. The pay is great, and I want to see the world." I gave her a confident smile. "I don't ship out for basic training for another couple weeks and I will visit as often as I can."

"So, you will be here for a couple weeks and then gone?" Bill asked looking like he was watching me die.

"Guys don't be sad. This is what I want to do. I promise I will be extra careful." I retorted. Why were they doubting me? I am strong and brave enough. I can handle myself.

"I think you need to think about this more. Once you go down this road, there is no coming back without some battle wounds and you have already been through enough (y/n)."

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room. Calling the local district and schedule appointments to get my shots started tomorrow. It was my choice, and this is what I wanted. I would explain it to them once I shipped out.

The next morning was an early wake up. Soon, I found myself at an old brick building surrounded by signs for every military branch. I could sense the overwhelm feelings of fear, excitement, and nervousness. It was a wonderfully chaotic attack on my system, and I let it all take a hold on me. I couldn't help but mentally reach out and provided them what they needed. Some needed assurance others encouragement. If this was going to be my training group, I needed them to be a functioning unit.

Soon the room felt like a calm and ready for the future. I hadn't tricked them, but I had helped them move forward. I missed using my abilities on patients but soon that would be over. They were too hard to convince but I felt a little bit of guilt doing it, but I needed them to decide on enlisting so that I could meet with my recruiter. Finally, after a man finally made his mind to join in with the Global Health crew, I finally got to meet our Head Nurse and Commanding Officer. She looked really pretty and the guy behind her would have been cute if he weren't so pissed off. He looked like Captain America but instead of eating a spoonful of sugary cereal, he looked like he lost a bet and eat literal shit.

"Hello, you must be (y/n). I am Valeria, Head Nurse of the Unit you will reporting to and this is Captain James Edgeworth, he will be in charge of your training for the field. In the mornings, you will train with the other recruits and the afternoons and evenings will be reserved for trainings with me. You have a 10-week basic training and then a 6-week training afterwards which will focus on your nursing in the field. We will be checking your progress throughout each training."

"Yes ma'am" I said giving her a nod.

"Don't think that your injuries will allow you to get sympathy or get released from drills. You choose to make a commitment and if you think that just because you survived New York that you can get out of anything." Captain Edgeworth growled.

I looked forward at Valeria and then focused my gaze to him. "Yes, Captain."

For the quickest second, I saw him give a cheeky smile. I know this was going to hurt but this was my next move. I moved to the back and got all my paperwork completed with the clerk and soon founded out my ship out date was only a week away. I wasn't going to be fully healed but Captain Edgeworth wouldn't give a damn and I wanted to prove that I was going to make it. If he thought that I was going to back out, he had another thing coming.

"See you in camp, (y/n)" said Valeria. I gave her a gentle smile and nodded. I wanted to be happy and excited with her, but the angry version of Captain America looked even more pissed off then when I had met him. I needed to rein in my emotions because I definitely going to be having a large amount of time with Captain Happy. If I was going to be projecting or pushing people into feeling, I needed to think about happier things instead of my rage and want to be right. 16 weeks of pure hell to see the world. College was going to look like nothing compared to this next journey. I drove home and fell asleep after grabbing a shower and screaming into a pillow. What had I done and why did I feel guilty? 

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