Airplanes and Freedom

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Jumping from high lofts with safety pads and classes filled most of the first two weeks of training. I didn't mind it as much as I had thought. If you had asked me if I would ever be jumping out of an airplane a year ago, I would have laughed and asked if you had lost your mind. But this week was the start of plane jumps. When I told Laura what I was doing, she threatened to come and get me. It was priceless to hear her freak out and Bill try to calm her done.

I was wonderful to hear their voices, but I couldn't get a word from John. When he would say something, it was just brief conversation. Skype calls proved just as fruitless with his side of the conversation but Laura, Bill and Nic were more than excited to fuel more conversation. They would grab the phone and ask the height of the jumps and the crazy stories they hear from a bunch of Youtubers. It was nice to be around them, but soon that would end either by John getting pissed or from my own exhaustion.

"(your pronoun) needs rest." He growled one Skype call and shots me a warning glance.

"Right now, the army and the corp. doesn't decide my bedtime. I have a later start tomorrow so I can stay on a bit longer."

"Maybe John wants some time alone with (your name)." Laura called out.

There was a long pause before his husky voice echoed into the microphone. It was hardly audible as he mumbled his complaint to Laura, who simply nodded to the screen. When he didn't move, she grabbed it and placed it in front of him like a parent placing a dish in front of their child.

More silence until he broke it with "I see you haven't died yet"

"Nope, still in one piece"

"Thats good, I guess. I mean not being dead and all."

"Yeah it certainly helps to not be a zombie helps especially with jumps" At that the silence returned. He looked away towards where Laura had been before moving the laptop. More silence and the pain hung in the air.

"John, I know my decision doesn't make much, if any, sense to you but I am happy."

"Happy? You are happy?" His tone and control had snapped " Happy to be putting your life on the line? Happy to be giving us all heart attacks wondering how or if we will ever know if you die?"

"I feel this is my" but he cuts you off

"If you say purpose, I will puke. You could have any position you want, and you choose this? How hard did you hit your head when the building broke? Did you forget how many people we lost?"

"I haven't forgotten. I want to be ready to help the next time something happens"

"Oh, save me from the savior complex you have developed. I wished you had stayed hurt; I wish you were back home with me." he said nearly bursting into frustrated tears.

"I know but we all have taken other paths"

"This path has no value for you. I cry at night worrying about you and now I wished you had died in my arms or in the hospital or on your first jump. At least then I could grief and get over you." He screamed. My bunk mate heard him and all I could do is close my eyes and bite my lip. I didn't need this right now. I already was over focused on staying in shape and watching what I ate. I could feel myself slip back into who I was a long time ago. There was no control for either one of us.

"(your name) I didn't mean" he said as if that could change everything he just said, but it was too late. He had said it and he had meant it.

"I won't call again. I want to give you space to grief and get over me." I say as hold back tears.

Laura grabs the laptop and moves to another room. "He didn't mean it dear. He is just going through a lot."

"So am I." I say quickly. "I need to go to bed, jump schedule and all. Good night Laura." I say gently and then the call ends.

I clicked off my light and closed my eyes only to feel the familiar pull to a cold frozen place.

There he was, or atleast you thought he was a he. It wasn't until I got closer that I say the lady from my dream back in Basic Training. She looked incredible with her dress that night she had visit, but tonight she was in silver plated battle armor over a golden tunic. She had looked like she could single handedly, take out my platoon before a single hair would move out of place. I waited to approach but I could feel the cold shoulder my tall blue man was giving her. While he wasn't very chatty before, he wasn't really talking to her.

As I crept forward, I began to hear more of their conversation.

"(your pronoun) are/is a mortal and a bother." he said looking at her

"(your gender) are/is an asset that you could learn to help and use. Plus, (your name) already is learning (your pronoun) magic and trust me, with what you are going to face, you will want that power with you. And mortals aren't too bad, you know. Your father would be an expert since he married one." She said touching his face.

"Come out from the bushes. We know you are there mortal." I walk out to meet them on the icy snow. I look up to meet their eyes. Her eyes were friendly but his remained a cold red.

"I dont know how I got here but ta-da." I say nervously

"I summoned you here. I need to make sure next time you are dressed warmer"

"Mortals are weaklings, mother you are a witch and better than any creature of Midgard" he said staring directly into my eyes as if his stare would melt them.

"A magic holder or "witch" is not always found or raised by others in a coven. Most are abandoned and left with a mark. My mark you should be able to sense it." She said looking up at him.

"I do but does that mean we are siblings?" I said looking up at her and then him

"No, (your pronoun) simply has been blessed with gifts like ours. My child, do you have a weird mark or tattoo on you from since before you could remember?" She asked calmly.

"Yes, but I keep it covered. It's on my elbow." I say quickly as she held her hand out.

"Show me please." She asked and I roll up my sleeve to show what looks like 2 little feet on top part of my skin. It had been there forever and now it had meaning.

"Now I see it" she said in almost a whisper and offered you a smile. "Empath and healer must be a popular gift amongst your coven and is good for the work you do."

"I don't even know what a coven is and it's just me"

"Well, you must have had someone to help you. How much do you know?"

"I can feel what others are feeling and do some healing on minor wounds. Pass that I dont know. Janet didn't have a lot of time to teach me before she died."

She held her hand. "You aren't alone anymore. I will teach you"

"Mother you can't be serious." He complained looking first to her and then at me.

"I am deadly serious, Jotun." She looked at him and he nodded. I could feel the rage growing in him. He didn't like being called that.

"Until tomorrow, you need your rest. This projection is draining you and I need to discuss things with my son privately." With a wave of her hand you were back in bed. You catch your breath and turned over only to hear the alarm telling you to get up and get dressed. 

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