Meetings and Membership

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Thor and I arrived later than most but we weren't the last in here. The room was the mainly a glass box with chairs surrounding the walls and a table that took the middle of the room. While it was perfect size for the meeting, it was nearly impossible to have any sort of privacy. I headed for the chair next to the wall, but Thor and Odin had other plans for me. Thor pulled me to the front and close to the table while Odin smiled and stole my seat. It was rather amusing to see Wanda next to Frigg and Odin who were wearign their traditional robes from Asgard. I wanted to pull away and sit with Wanda and Frigg, but that thick head labador wanted me in the center of attention with as many eyes on me as possible.

"Greetings, Stark, Captian, you met my mother Frigg, and my father Odin." He said quickly making re-introductions. He looked at me and I held on to his forearm. I pushed calmness towards him. It only made me a little dizzy but it helped him. "This is the (Lady, Lord, or other title preference) (your name). (your pronoun) is a new member of our counsel, Loki's cosmic partner, and my mother's Seidr student. Now that we all know each other, I must call to action a mission to retrieve my wayward brother and the tesseract before a monster call Thanos retrieves it. My mother and (your name) have both fore seen a great tragedy if he retreives it before we do. Mostly the galaxy being reduced by half and Ragnarok, the destruction of our home world, Asgard." He said finally catching his breath. I gave him a nod and let go of him.

Frigg looked at me and mouthed "Are you feeling alright?" I gave her the silent signal for dizzy and offered her a smile. She nodded to me and replied with the sign to sit down. I took the chai grateful that I could sit and Thor sat down as well.

"I am going to need you to back all the way up to the beginning. Who is coming? What is a cosmic partner? Why should we trust (your pronoun)?" Captian America asked examining the room and staring at me.

Thor traced the glares and finally looked at me. "I haven't heard how you got here. I just saw what you showed me."

"Look, I am just a normal person that has a bit of seidr. I was born here on Midgard. Graduated from college about 8 years ago and had been working in a downtown hospital until about 4 years ago. I can manipulate emotions, heal and set up protection spells. Frigg has taught me the arts and has helped me trained. That's all I have to offer you." I said looking around and found Frigg's smile. "As for my connection with Loki, I can't explain it. Its been there since New York and even though I have hated him. I can vocher for him being intouble and the only hope to finding the stones and Thanos's plans" I said finally feeling peace.

Everyone turned their attention to me. I didn't want to be here. I felt like the new kid in class who was magically suppose to be the wild and amazing person that everyone was going to love. I had been through these enough times. There wasn't anytime for friendship bracelets and braiding hair. He was dying, trying to hold back a monster from killing everything.

a fairytale where the Beast is some how turn into a prince. He is a monster. My suggestion is to develop your powers, join us but lose Loki. He will have no love from me. I still have nightmares of space." Stark mused getting close to my face.

I took his head in my hand and showed him my level of hell as the hospital crumbled. The news of body tallies, the hell of recovery, the flashbacks, the nightmares, the what if questions and thoughts of what could have been. I shook and finally let him go as cold seat covered me. Frigg came to me and yelled at Thor to get his bag.

"(your name), can you hear me?" she asked kindly shaking me. Her voice was faint but traced my mind. I gave her a nod.

"Water, please" I asked her. She grabbed a glass from the table and the pitcher. As she move I saw Stark looking paler than before. I couldn't help but give a tiny chuckle as I looked over at him. "Believe me and my hell now? I am was no friend of Loki, but as you can see he wasn't in control. Trust me, every dream connections we have he begs for forgiveness and salvation."

"What the hell was that?" he said looking at Frigg and then back to me. I sipped the water and Thor came in with the bag from the medicine ward. Frigg mixed a few things as she talked to Stark. I was re

"That was a memory pass. Its an easy way to give you all the information that you need. Its also called collective dreams, neuro pass, or neurological drift. Many cultures and people have different names for it. You will be alright but you should sit until you have both recovered. " She said pressing us both back into our chairs. "You especially. You are already exhausted and seidr burnt. We need you at your best if we are going to find Loki in all this madness. You keep putting yourself through this display, you will be unconscious for several weeks, just like before."

"Like before? What do you mean Frigg?"

"You woke up after several weeks of rest. Thor brought you here to recover three weeks ago."

"Frigg, he could be dead by now. Why did no one wake me?" I asked looking around.

"I told them not to. You were weak and without you we couldn't move forward or not anything of the pain Loki was in."

She looked at me and was disappointed. She knew I was week and tired but my emotions stole the light and interest. She never liked to talk about him in that manner. Every time we got into that argument or discussion, she would say that we would have felt it. Since we felt nothing, then he was still alive.

"We have to go now. He could be dead and Thanos could have the ring" I said popping out of the chair. It sailed across the room hitting the glass. My balance was off and I swayed. "We got to get to him" I managed to say as the room spun. "Lokie, we need to get to him. Loki" his name tasted sweet and it was only a matter of time before the room disappeared into sweet darkness. The smell of engine steam lined my lungs. The roaring, twirling, engine grinded in the background and made it hard to hear. I remained in the shadows watching the steam blister his skin, the cuffs cutting and burning his wrists as he struggled to bare the pain. My Jotun saw me and whispered "Run".

Across the Stars (Loki X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें