Plans, Plays and Politics

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Waking up the royal family was no easy task store for the lords reasons slept like a bear was even more confused little bear right after hibernation when I woke him up Frank was no better she was groggy annoyed and highly highly cussing she threaten to put a curse on the servants the maids and everyone under the roof of the palace if the reasoning was not enough or deemed worthy in her eyes. It was definitely a wild ride on getting them to wake up and function as soon as I explained and showed the math along with the star chart And books they're not an agreed that this is the best course of action. I don't know if they only agreed because it was a wild idea and it was the first thing they heard in the morning or because it actually would work but nevertheless I have permission from to Royals that this would be OK.

You'll have to pack warmly and dress comfortably space travel is no easy picnic and you won't be inside a craft. Make sure that you pack food and water and things that you might need just in case if you're stranded there for a while I can't promise you that will be able to find you right away. Freak was trying her best to warn us and trying her best to make sure that all her children came home safely there's only so much you could do and that was between magic theater and just trying to make things work. No plan like this has ever been attempted. It was going to be a tough call in a tight issue there was going to be no room for error no missteps no miscalculations anything like that would kill us, kill him or get us caught. If anything was off be even the smallest amount the mission would be over. A mistake that would cost us everything because I was stranded in space never see anyone again.

The next big task then was to figure out how hell Frigg was going to cover for Thor and I will we were off world and how the hell we were going to get the rainbow bridge to connect. They three of us walked down to the rainbow bridge and spoke to handle who was not OK with the idea but then realize that Frigg was going to do whatever she wanted to do so to fight against her was kind of counter productive and pointless. Thor and Freya were both in charge while Oden was off world. The only agreed to go with his plan if he came with me which I wouldn't mind having the extra help considering I didn't know how Loki was going to really be or if he and I would working well.

"What is the likelihood of success?" he said looking at me as we packed our bags.

"Don't worry I keep track of the odds in my own fashion. The numbers change as our weigh, mass, and pull changes."

"Very sciencey, but I need to know, what is the likelihood that we will all survive this?" he said looking into me and almost seeing the fake confidence I was using to hide my own fear. "It is a successful as I can make it. We have like a 97% chance that we will find and get Loki. The Aftermath and the escape is the thing I am most worried about."

"I will handle that but make sure to eat and do whatever you can to make your magic strong. We are definitely going to need it. I have a feeling that this mission is not going to be as easy as it looks" he said walking away and back into his room.

"If these was the easy part, the difficult part is going to kill me. He must be either used to this or immune to worry." I said looking at my pack and then to Frigg.

"Don't worry so much. He always says things like that now. Ever since Jotunheim, he has become a little more cautious about missions. Less risks, more reserved ideas. He is growing smarter every day. Loki was always better at strategy than Thor. That is why as child I had him play games like Midgardian chest and review war plans. He was always a little quick wit, sometimes I like to think he got it from me and his birth mom." Frigg said trying to lighten the mood.

"I am sure with both you, he was blessed with many preceptive powers." I said grabbing my bag and looking around. Asgard was truly beautiful and peaceful. I wanted to absorb all of it. If this was to be one of my last memories I want to soak it in. Every flawed detail, like the one boat that wasn't centered on the otherwise empty water, that made the place even more prefect. I let out a sigh and turned to her. Her arms were already outstretched waiting for me.

"Its going to be fine dear. The first time is always the scariest. Eat this, it will help with the panic and allow you to breath. I packed several in your case so you should be good. I would avoid any delays as much as you can." She whispered. "Eat quickly. Thor already ate his and I am sure he will start getting antsy to go. Come on, down the hatch as they say."

It tasted like cinnamon and mead. Mostly the mead which made me wonder if that had powers beyond knowledge. It was baked liquid courage with a hint of Seidr. It held a tiny zap that could awaken the dead or make you breath in almost atmosphere or lack of but even better it gave a grounding sense. Frigg smiled and gave me a wink. She could read my thoughts and nodded glad that I could sense her. It made the next few steps into the rainbow portal a little less terrifying. Thor had his hand around my shoulder.

"Its going to be okay. I promise (your title of choice) (your name) that this is going to work and that we will come back home. You, me and my unruly brother." He said his husky and heavy voice giving me a little comfort and a hope to coming back here to see the beautiful water and the rainbow bridge.

"If this doesn't work, I blame you." I said teasing. He gave me a gentle grin.

"You are just like Loki. You two will make a fine pair."

And with that we bowed our head to Frigg and Hemidal and stepped into the portal. 

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