The Truth in Dreams

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Walking into a room being total that your mother and brother had been lying to you really did a number on Thor. Frigg looked at me and nodded to a table. Thor would need some privacy but Frig kept our neuro link open. She wanted me to hear the truth as well.

I walked over to the table and found Little Friend. He was down to his normal size. His little skull tilted upwards when I approached. He ran into my arms and I was so relieved that Frigg had taken care of him. It had been three years since the garden incident but for us it was water under the bridge. He hugged me and gently nudged me with his heavy skull. I had missed him on every trip I took but I knew he was safe with her. She wouldn't let any harm come to him.

"(your name) grab the black and blue books on the table and start reading. You will need to remember your Jotun anatomy and learn to make realistic doubles." Frigg called out to me as I walked in from the hall. Woohoo, all I ever wanted to do is homework. It was an absolute nightmare cause all warnings came after all the fun spell work. It was the worst way to set up books especially ones as critical as medical and spell books. I walked over towards the bench and looked around.

"Yes , Frigg." I said locating the books on her desk. I opened them and the neuro link between her and I. The conversation was mostly about seidr, her training Loki and I, and the mystery of how Loki came to their family. I looked through her eyes and say the shock that covered Thor's face.

"He is a Jotun? We slaughtered his people to win father's approval?" he said terrified. "Is this why he has been so cold all these years? He was afraid that I would kill him, wasn't he?" Thor asked his voice carrying to from where Frigg and he stood to the desk which was several yards away.

I kept looking at the book. Thor didn't need to know that I heard them or that I already knew about Loki's heritage. He was a Frost giant and he was my patient and mission. That was all that mattered to me. I need to get him back to safety, find the tesseract and then figure out the plan from there. It was a easy plan. I read through the Jotun anatomy book and nearly cried. The reason that he was so loopy was from the oxicodine. He had never had that before and I had an 80 mg dose. Jotuns and Asgardians mostly used herbal supplements or potions to fix or relieve pain. I drugged a Jotun on to a level were he could feel no pain and was mostly high as hell. I could only imagine how calm and mellow he was in the vat of steam. He was probably so relaxed and stoned, that he wouldn't feel anything.

I laughed as I reviewed my memory of that trip and the book in front of me. With his slow metabolism, the amount of drugs in him and the chemical mixture, he was going to be doppy and high for a long time. Midgardian medicine hardly effected and Asgardian but with Loki's Asgardian form stripped and his Jotun one in place, we were probably going to be rescuing a very broken and very sick Jotun. I reviewed the book again trying to remember how to reverse everything I gave him.

"Some of the medicine was suppose to stay in you. Instead you gave it all to him. That was both selfless and stupid. That's why you can still feel the pain from Thor's shock." Frigg said looking at me. I couldn't tell if she was talking about the shock from their conversation or the bolt of lightening to the chest.

"I feel like an idiot. I am sorry I messed up Frigg. It took so much effort to concentrate and I honestly lost track of what I was doing and how much had left my system." I said. She nodded her head giving a small grin. She imagined a drunk Loki in Jotun form. He was a sad and giggly drunk which made me laugh. Drunk or drugged Loki was going to be fun to deal with.

"Don't worry about it. I am sure Loki needed it anyway. How long do you think he will have until it all wears off?" she asked hoping for an exact science. I was not pharamacy and he was my first Jotun.

"I honestly don't know. Maybe another day or so. It depends on how quickly his body uses it" I said looking up at her. I didn't know how much his body would use, flush out, or if he could stagger the doses. It all depended on him and how he handled things. There was no clear answer without me monitoring him which I couldn't do. A doctor without a patient is only going to give wild theories.

If we were going to do this it would have to be in a strategic and tactful way. She said looking at me and then to Thor we weren't going to have the luxury of 1000 ships in a real big army it was going to have to be something small quick and mostly wit. Stealth was our only true weapon.

Frigg, "There isn't going to be much time for planning. From what I can see and if my estimates are right he's not going to have a Lot of time and we're not going to have many chances to break through the barrier and find him. The ship was going to be full of all sorts of creatures and they will Not be wanting company." I warned. I doubt Thanos would want more company and it was going to be enough fun getting Loki to cooperate.

Thor stood there confused while Frigg and I still stood there talking trying to figure out the multiple ways and things go wrong and how we were going to make it through. There were so many ways that things go terribly wrong. What if Loki didn't remember me what is Thanos found out what about the Atari came back and wanted us what happened to ship broke down what happens if I get sick or Thor get sick or were attacked and we don't make it everything was running through the Frick in my head and there wasn't much that so we can really offer to the conversation it was frustrating and we were trying to get through millions of possibilities and all came to the conclusion that we were tired and we just need to rest. There was nothing Frigg and I could think of and it was becoming pointless to talk or wait in silence.

"The first big problem we face is tracking and pin-pointing where exactly in space he is. The ship could move, and it would take to much time to accurately gather that information.

"Get some rest everyone maybe something will come to us in a dream I'm sure that the stars and the Aesir will be able to give us some sort of guidance as we try to sort out this issue." She said looking at me then to Thor and then to the door. We took our cue and said our goodnights.

Thor and I both walked out. The cool night and silence were the only true other items of the universe awake at this time. I looked up and imagine low-key finding the stars that I was looking out counting them trying to use them to calculate trying to figure out which one was going to bring us close together again. Which tire was going to bring him to safety and keep them from harm. Everyone know he wanted to be home and we wanted him there too. He meant the world to so many people and yet he didn't know it. Soon it was all going to be alright. It was going to be fixed. Soon he would be safe and the world could heal with him.

Well the most time he was an ass, Loki was also very sweet and very broken. I couldn't necessarily forgive him about New York as much as I wanted to but I also couldn't hate him. It wasn't truly him who did it. It was just the nature of abuse, abandonment, and years of loathing. He wasn't the same man he was back in New York. He was different less savage more refined. Like an animal who slowly learned that he didn't want to be alone anymore. That loneliness brought only pain and more misery. My Loki was coming back to me. I made my way back to my chamber.

Thor bid me good night, turned around and walked into the hallway. I stood there watching his big shoulders and blond hair disappear and then I was alone. I locked my door in my robe turn into a nice gentle warm night robe that was almost navy bluish that dark and deep. I made my way into bed and looked out my window to see the stars yet again twinkling in the heavens. Little lights dancing across the curtain as of trying to tempt the fates to stop them I close my eyes and whispered into the night the one word that would bring me to him. "Loki."

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