Asgardian Nights

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It wasn't long until I woke up. Between Loki's nightmares filling my head and my own, I gave up on sleep. Frigga had told me to rest but there were slim chances on that happening when villains plagued my thoughts, screams of the near dead filled my head, and the pain of a thousand tortures rattled and burned through my nerves.

I walked away from the healing wing and made my way towards the gardens across from the door. The same gardens that Frigga taught me. The same gardens that sent Loki to the middle of no where and got him in the mess he was in before Thor and I found him. As always, a book on the bench waited for me. Asgardian traditional songs and Nordic epic poems. The beautiful calligraphy on the attached note led me to Frigga's intention. All the paper said was "Something to head through the long nights." I nodded and thanked the stars for something to keep me from falling asleep or sliding into Loki's mind again.

My bare feet traced the grounds along the garden. It must have rained or someone water the lawn and plants while Loki and I had slept. The ground was a soft as the meadows in the Zen garden we had once upon a time at work. It was softer than the ground of the village but smelt of gentle rain and rich soil. Living in Azerbaijan and being taught by the local village children, you could always tell the safe and pointless places to garden. It was the way the grow smelt after it rained. I didn't know that until the children showed me with tomato plants and onions. If the soil didn't smell right, then the plants didn't grow. There was more science to it than we taught the children, but it was a science passed on from parent to child after decades of living there.

I found myself on the steps soon to sit. I was exhausted from the long journey and the amount of magic that the last few days had taken out of me. I nestled against the step and the banister that wrapped around the palace and separated it from the garden. Of all the flowers in the garden, the Foxglove and Jasmine were planted nearby. It took me some time to relax and count the beautiful white petals on the flowers. Both had been a favorite of mine on Midgard and I had brought them with me to give to Frigga as a gift during one of my lessons.

My thoughts and count were interrupted by a large bulky sweetheart who had several bandages of his on.

"Is this stair taken?" Thor asked gently.

"Its yours if you still want my company." I said looking up to him.

"I thought you might sit in the garden instead of a dirty stair with only moonlight to help you read. Atleast but the bench there is a lamp and moonlight."

"True, but if there is trouble it is easier to get to a guard from here. Also, I am listening for Loki. I don't know how or what state he will wake up in."

"I checked in on him" Thor said. His voice like every big sibling who took care of their brother sibling. There was a bit of annoyance, and some frustration but mostly it was caring. "He looks peaceful. I thought we would be in for a night that could rival the battles we have won."

"I took that from him. We are still in the mind link. Right now, he is dreaming about a grand feast and talking to you about a battle in a big hall." I said looking at Thor. "He is happy and recovering. I am sure you both would do the same.

"That is very nice of you, but he is a god and should be able to handle it. I am worried that your head is going to explode. Its not fair for you to bear the burden alone."

"Life isn't fair Thor, but I know what you mean. I am sure he will be better in the morning and that your mother will yell at me to rest tomorrow. She always does in the morning."

We sat there looking at the skyline. Thor pointed out where Midgard would be and the other planets or realms that Asgard had some control over. It was nice to have his company. The past few days had been emotionally taxing and mentally exhausting. Talking to Thor was easy because he had been there and helped you through it. It was similar to talking to someone in your team or even an Avenger. They had been through Hell to and came out looking bad but still good people.

"Did mother leave that for you?" He said pointing down at the book.

"Yeah, she knows that I have the worst time sleeping and that a book might do me a some good" I replied as my fingers traces the gold engraved pictures on the red leather cover.

"How long has mother known about you? How long have you been her student, I mean?" He asked awkwardly.

"I have no clue how long she has known or been watching me. I am sure it was before New York, but I have been learning from her for years. She is amazing at what she does, and I am lucky to be her student."

We sat quietly and talked about the plants in the garden. I pointed out the ones that were similar to Midgard and the ones I had given her. He was patient and followed in turn with the ones he had brought home from visits to foreign dignitaries or battles.

"Would you like me to read them to you?" He asked nodding to the book on my lap.

"I would like to read them on my own. When the moon isn't bright and when your company is gone." I said looking towards him.

"Which would you prefer? More company or time alone?" He asked suddenly seeming upset.

"I would like to hear your stories, prince of Asgard. As long as that would be alright by you." I smiled towards him.

"Then you shall have them." He said nodding and spun tales of magic, mystery, battles, and monsters. It wasn't until just before dawn when he finished. He returned to his chamber, and I was once again left alone as the sun broke on Asgard. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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