Grand Halls and Grander Dreams

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The halls of Asgard were long and draft. The thick multiple dress robe fluttered in the draft but keep me warm as we walked through the hollow halls of Asgard. It was beautiful, dripping with gold, which was adorn with iron torches. Multicolor glass filled the windows and some of the doors leading to balaconies that must have over looked the city and gardens. In the darkness, I could almost make out the patterns and figures on each of the windows. One window was labeled with the name of Loki's name. It glowed and the fire light seemed to play with the golden halo around his head. He looked like a the depictions of the saints and Jesus or the gods of Earth. Such divinity for such a beautiful liar. His Asgradian form looked so human, it was almost tragic that he hated them so much.

We continued our walk. Frigg talked about the history and things she had brought with her as a wedding present when she married Odin. "Royal weddings require huge doweries and my father was glad to be rid of me. A woman doing magic was not always as popular as it is now. Volur used to be for men only for the longest time, but that was ancient history before the dawn was even greated. Women brought life and light with her. That is why I have always found so many problems with Midgardian practices. The men were allowed to be heroes, gods, and masters." She said as we approached another large door. The guards opened the doors. "If you ever examined the histories, it truly was the woman and the oppressed who changed history. We were the first creators that didn't destroy the materials we used to create."

The room was huge and had many tables and coves where people could gather and feast together. It was glorious and just as the tales had described. Large wooden benches were tucked under the masterly crafted tables that seemed to stretch out for miles.

"They are like the tables described in the poems about Vallahalla." I said barely over a whisper like if I spoke to loud the hall would disappear. It was as solid as I was but I couldn't help but trace the table feeling the celtic symbols. I felt the triad and the symbols of seidr. A smile creeped around my face. It was a beautiful table that marked the history of the Aesir, Asgard, and the wild myths of Midgard.

"There have been many like you, who have passed through these halls. Thoses who could channel the powers beyond understanding. One like the Ancient One, protect the Earth from evil. She was a student with me for a while and we practiced together on Earth. I was to marry and she found her duty in protecting Midgard." She said calmly although she didn't seem overly thrilled with being married.

"Then why didn't she protect us from Loki and Thanos and the Chtari?" I asked. "If she could have protected us, we could have saved-" Her hand silenced me. An easy answer awaited me.

"Some things you can not fight no matter how much you want to. Its was are agreement that Asgard and Midgardian beings could go between worlds as long as they had been given permission. Loki and Thor had that and Thanos did not. She had other battles to face besides the one on New York. That brought the Avengers together and created a bind that changed history. Remember what I taught you of fate and destiny. There are no coincidence that are not designed to happen. No matter how wild, no matter how painful, there is always a greater plan in mind." She nodded to me. "You were designed to be here and you were destined to save him. Now, if that is to happen, I need you to be strong and eat. I will force feed you if I must."

I giggled and looked at her only to see a very serious and grim face. My eyes widened and fear arose until she smiled and began to laugh. We walked to a small table in one of the coves.

"I have never sat here. Normally, I am at the head table but since Odin and thor are still on Midgard, we are safe to sit where ever I please." She said with a smile. A servant followed behind us and soon their were glasses and honey wine being poured. "You must try it. It has good mental qualities. It will help you find the information that you seek. Trust me though, it is strong so we water it down. Last person to drink it in its raw state lost and eye."

The mead was warm and thick. It tasted like drinking a Starbucks caramel syrup. The sweetness coated my throat and filled me with calm, gentle vibes. It made each cell in my body hum and come to life. I could see why they only drank this during times of feast. It could make any person mellow and happy. Frigg drank some with me and we both smiled. It was delicious but secretly strong. Soon the servant came back with food. A small tray of meat, roasted veggies, fresh cheese and bread was in front of our plates.

We didn't waste time on pleaantures. There was hardly anyone here and it was a quiet dinner. We ate until we could hardly move. It was pleasant and relaxing to dine with Frigg. We began to discuss the different plans on rescuing Loki. None of the original plans were going to work. Frigg had to remain on Asgard and cover for my absence. She needed to stay here and keep up the illisions that I was here and still recovering. We would have to plan a way for my for me to be here.

"Tonight you rest, tomorrow I will help you learn how to set multiples of yourself in different conditions. Normally, I would ask Loki to show you because he has perfected it." She said. While the plan was to rest and then learn tomorrow, it seemed that fate had additional plans for our evening.

"Mother, (Lady, Lord, Preferred title) (your name)." Called Thor in a loud voice. He must have been dining at the Head table. Frigg looked me and then to him unable to hide her desire to be alone.

"Thor, my son, how are you? I thought you would be back with your father on Midgard."

"I was about to head back when I heard you both. I wanted to check to see how you were both fairing, I know it was a little tease and troublesome earlier." He said looking at me. His golden hair framing his face looking like a over grown and matted blonde retreiver.

Frigg nodded and began to think of some reply to him. I was learning a little to much from Loki in the arts of devious humor. Since the beginning of my training Frigg had taught me to walk minds and to share information with her. It was the easiest way to talk and let her know when I was able to continue mI couldn't help my send Frigg an image of a Golden Retrieve, then a Labador, and finally Thor. We often walked each other minds and this was one way I knew she would enjoy our conversation. I don't know if it because of the sweet honey mead or he mood but she cackled loudly. It made laugh and the hall's emptiness only made our laughter echo. It was hilarious to watch Frigg let loose.

"Vey true, the (title) (your name) can be very troublesome indeed." She said still giggling. I smiled and slowly began to calm down. " My best friend, best student and the biggest pain in the ass." She said with a smile. I shook my head and looked at her and then him. Thor was confused. Poor, lost little puppy.  

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