Making in Back Home

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If the only part of this plan would have been me just breaking the magical binds that trapped Loki to the ship and dealing with his punk ass, I think I would've been OK. But now of course now, the universe has other ideas and of course it was a new challenge card for everyone. I sat there for a while I noticed some shifting that's low-key or Thor those two are easy enough because we were all walking together there was something more something deep and darker in the shadows and then we got to the main deck. There must've been about 15 different types of aliens standing there looking at me needless to say I was pissed so I had definitely cursed us to have a shitty mission together before I could do anything, he called for Hemidel and while we wait for the rainbow bridge we decided that it was a better idea to fight our way through then just sit and wait or try to talk it out "No, No, No!" we went straight for the iron and fist and hammer. For lunch brute force because that was always the best way to handle conflict then again, I was sore so it wasn't like that wasn't ever going to be an option for a peaceful discussion or some sort of negotiation. I leaned Loki against a cubby in the wall and then helped Thor.

Mostly I just protected Loki who was already nodding off between reality and his own world. I was weak and most of my seidr was worn out between reviving Loki, generating a permanent bond and the feeding him my strength. Thor took the majority of them but there was a few who found me and gave me a reason to fight. I gave them hell and they returned it. Thor lucky came over to help but he started it so I didn't want to congratulate him on saving us. There was one still up and remaining conscious. Now taking a closer look at the slightly Mobile alien, who seemed to be mostly terrified I could tell that he wasn't one of the men from Thanos. He was a scavenger nothing more nothing less they were reading party just trying to take the shape of apart For scrap and for whatever else they could use it for finally once I got sort of calm down we noticed that hideout wasn't coming there was no rainbow bridge to save us it was us on our own in a big ugly falling apart ship that had just been pretty much scrap metal buy a bunch of reading extraterrestrials all I need it today.

I apologized to him and said I would fix his friends if they could drop us off in Midgard. He nodded to me and I sent as much healing energy to the hull of the ship. Soon they got into their craft. We called on more time to Hemidal, When he didn't answer I mind linked with Frigg and finally got through. Apparently, their ship interfered with the communication between us and Hemidal and also Odin had just arrived back on Asgard. We were coming back to be in a ton of trouble. I was starting to get really good at being in trouble and dealing with the consequences. Hemidal beamed us up and out of the rusting corroded ship. I hated it so much and I am sure Loki did too. I could feel him relax as soon as we entered Asgard.

"Vallahalla" was all he said before collapsing. He was awful and I was glad that Frigg had brought one of the moving beds down from the palace along with the flying boat. I had always wanted to ride in one and today was that day. Thor carried Loki over and Frigg came over to me.

"My perfect and brave student. How do you feel?" she asked glance down at my hands.

"Honestly, pretty weak and very nauseas. I think I might sit down for a bit." I said as we walked to the boat. We sat down. "If you need to get sick please do it over the side and in the water or in this bucket" she said handing me a iron bucket. I smiled at her humor, but I tucked my head by my knees and linked my hand with Loki. I knew he needed more strength to prepare him for the amount of procedures and medical and healing process he would be going through. Both of us got IVs on the flying boat and I looked over the side to see the dawn of a new morning painting the gentle waters like a Midgardian painting. I had everything I needed here, and I missed and lacked nothing. Loki was safe and Frigg was here to watch over us.

"Rest now my good and faithful student. You have done well today my dearest friend. Thank you for bringing my sons home."

The next several days with calm and peaceful it was all about rest and find in ourselves. Most of the time I stayed with Loki sitting by your side and he was asleep most the time I'm not here to wake up give my hand a squeeze and ask real? And I would just not say yes and kisses for head soon he would switch back to us Asgaurdian form. I missed his Jotun form. I love the idea of having a blue man just waiting for me made me giggle and smile because I transformed from a crimson red to the nice green blue shifting constantly between the two forms, he's beautiful. He always was beautiful soon he was walking again and see what he was eating again which was nice poor boy was so thin so sickly granted he had never really been one for Thor size but it made me feel better when he looked a little bit thicker and a bit more healthy. I trace the halls of Asgard and looked around when Frigg was gone. I found myself back where it all began. A pleasant way to pass the time when Loki was asleep. It was just a little garden surrounded by benches and all the foliage of all nine realms the tree was marked with arrows the lamb where his IV bag hung still stood there snapped off but still there a little knob. I missed three years of being on Asgard. I realize three years of my life was waiting to figure out where the world was going next and where I belong. I have friends back on Midgard, but I don't know if I would ever see them again. And I ordered was still waiting for us to have a little more before delivering final judgment. I don't care anymore I was safe frigate was happy and low-key well he was still causing a little bit of chaos but mostly just with the nurses and the chamber mates. We talked a lot mostly about what we wanted to do and how the hell we were going to serve our punishment as we knew it was coming down the pipe. I told him that it might be a good idea to volunteer to be on the avengers see the world

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