Moderated Success, Bound and Bonded

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Crossing the rainbow bridge was nothing like I imagined. It made my whole body shake, vibrate as if it was falling apart pulling apart and coming back together rapidly everything change so quickly I turn my head just for a moment to see if they were looking at me giggling as I looked around seeing light particles shine brighter than any mine ever found on earth the colors brightly coming together and tearing apart and realigning. It was beautiful and terrifying at the same time it was like going through several window panes of stain glass only to be reversed go through again and reversed again it was Erratic glorious.

We got out of the field and there was the largest ship that I could ever imagine across start to start crossing the rising of the galaxy. It was all black and only the brightest star dared to give it a hand to glimmer on its glass windows it was a monster, but it was silent I couldn't hear the engines.

I tried to figure out if I could find some light form, but it was hardly moving Thor and I looked at each other trying to figure out how we were going to handle this. Thor and I found a hatch after 10 minutes of trying to find something to pry open. We must've slept in through some sort of air vent or current because by the time we got in we were sucked down left right loop the loop all the way around it was like the world's worst roller coaster makes with the slide of the kindergartners worst daydream honestly I'm surprised you're not even have bones after going through that thing it must've spent the whole ship because when we landed we landed all the way in the basement of the boat in the belly of the beast. I took out the chain that I've been wrapped around my wrist I never let go of it but soon sorry to blow I whispered it to find Loki and I was happy to hear a little grunt.

"He's close" I say Thor smile hopeful to see his brother again I looked around no noise no sound there is nothing no life really on board it was eerie almost painful the silence enveloping this whole shit this whole damned cursed beast that remain in the middle of nowhere breaking the beautiful Rison beautiful curtain of the night sky as if one mark is eager genocide and terrorism could just stand there enveloping the whole cosmos. Like some terrible warning almost like a statue of some maniac before he was even born it was disgusting and disturbing and all of me wanted to run and burn the shit to the ground well at least the ass since it was new crown space.

We walked careful not to make too many noises just in case if there is someone else on board and the last crew member any damn so stuck here to write out the rest of his days. Must watch for 40 minutes until we found Loki it took forever because the whole ship was a maze of work tunnels and dad and hallways. It was worse than the labyrinth in Greek mythology there was no yarn to figure out if we have made the term once twice or four times ago. I was glad to see the engine room finally it's steam, still blowing but not as bad as it used to be. There he was my Jotun. My blue man group solo even though he was a terrible sight to see Thor and I were both so happy to see him.

I knelt down beside him trying to find a pulse trying to figure out how he was breathing if he was even breathing, he shook them a while and when that didn't work well I slapped him no one ever tells you how thick your skin is or at least how thick the skull is well his skin may have been the glimmer a papier-mâché his skull was so thick it made my hand feel like it was broken in 1000 pieces. Needless to say, the only thing I could think of was damn this guy is going to thick ass head and his ego to manage with it. So, when he came around, he looked squinted and then cackled while trying get away from me.

"Loki it's me it's not a dream it's really me I'm here come on let's figure out how to get you out of here can you see me can you hear me" I asked repeating myself over and over and over again waiting for him to give me any response.

"I see you and I hear you, but I don't think you're really here this is just another dreams just another memory told you to go away an hour ago told you to go away days ago you never listen sitting there tormenting me telling me you would come back you never did."

Lucky it's really me I'm here I'm here with Thor I said praying to God that he would listen, but he just laughed. Thor do me a favor break the chains and then will just gather them up and get him back to Asgard there's no way that we're going to be able to convince him here that we are who we are and that we are here to save him I know it goes against the most ancient laws I'm not taking somebody away from their inhabited but this is no longer safe for him he's sick he's dying he's been tortured he needs medical attention and I cannot do anything besides give him that

I know your conditions, don't worry I'll break those and then we'll be on our way try just to keep them conscious while I tried doing this it's not gonna be close and I'm not sure how this is gonna work. " I'm nod my head and prayed to all the strength in the universe to break those chains I knew if anyone can do it was Thor but even then of course our luck ran out.

"(Your name) This is Gleipnir. Only a witch can break this I can break the iron, but it will still hold him down like this to the disaster of a ship."

A real witch with us instead that Loki as if that's what all I wanted to hear. I mind linked with Frigga and pray that she would hear me I told her what we were dealing with and she said to feed him one of the treats that she gave me. Before we left early help him kind of remember and stay conscious as for the ropes and chains. they would take a lot of seidr and strength to get through.

She asked through the link 'I'm afraid it might drain you more than help him is there anyway, that you can detach him from the ship?'

"Frigga unfortunately all of him is welded into the shed where his legs had collapsed beneath him they had put metal over and I'm sure they magical binding is just as soon maybe even stronger on there. How do I break it Frigg?" I asked hopeful she will have more guidance.

'It is going to require a blood and bonding spell. The Gleipnir needs to know that the prisoner it holds is no long a prisoner. (Your name) I am sorry, but it will have to be a permanent binding spell. Be careful that he doesn't take all of your strengthen. You know he will feed off of you in order to live and you need to break the bond between him and ship.;

I nodded my head and pulled out a knife. "I am sorry Loki, but this is definitely going to hurt both of us." I grabbed his hand and cut it open and then mine slicing my palm along with every finger. Loki tried to move but his movements were making it harder the seidr and the spell to pass between us. "Thor make sure that hands stay connected otherwise this isn't going to work. I said as I cut open my hands and pressed them to his. Loki fought me and pushed against me until he felt the seidr, then he pushed against me just like Frigg said. Seidr and strength, soon the bonds of the ship and Gleipnir relax, Thor ripped away and grabbed Loki up. He was weak but with some help he walked holding on to one of my hands like I was going to slip away. 

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