Lights, Seidr, Action

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The lights of Asgard were like a million Ultra bright flashlights (or torches). It was so bright it burned my eyes. The white clean nature was blinding and painful. When my eyes adjusted, the first think I felt was a literal slap to the face. "You could have died. Did you forget the directions?" Frigg had lost all calmness. She was pissed and I knew it was because of me. I had nearly killed myself being with him. It could have caused so much damage to both her and I. The consequences weren't bad but they could have been.

"I'm sorry Frigg. I just didn't want him to be there alone when I could see how terrible he felt."

"You are so stupid. I could have lost both of you. Both my students and my seidr children. You are both the only children I have had that I could teach seidr to. It was destiny that brought us together and I could not bare to lose you. You can't imagine what that could have done to me. I taught Loki in secret because Odin didn't want it in the palace. It was always assoiciated with wickedness and trickery." She said, her tears streaming down her face. "I was alone until you both came along. I can't loose you and be alone again." She said sitting back on the bed pulling me into a hug.

I hugged her back. "I'm sorry Frigg. I am truly sorry that I scared you. Thank you for staying with me. Can I asked what happened?"

"I had Thor shock your body with lightening. You are dehydrate and your bones are broke. The seidr I used might as well been magic card tricks. It didn't help you at all. Every revival spell, every wakign spell, healing spell. Nothing was working. The only think I can think was effecting the seidr and you was your connection to Loki." She said with a smile. "How does my son fair? Is he alive? Did the medicine help him?"

"Yes to all your questions. I am sorry I took so long. I wanted to see him wake up and talk. I needed to know he could regain conciousness. I put him into a dream for a while so he has something to go to when he needs an escape until we can get to him." I said looking at her. She nodded and pat my hand. It had been a lot of her work that brought me back and I was sure she was exhausted.

When I tried to get out of bed, I felt my chest ache and burn. I rubbed at it as I stood up. "I am regrettful for using Thor on you. I couldn't get a heart beat and my seidr wasn't working as well as I had hoped." She sounded ashamed and I shook my head.

"You brought me back. I am here and safe. The pain isn't to bad and I can walk." I said getting out of the large Asgardian bed. It was so soft that it was nearly impossible to get out of it but with a bit of strategic rolling and angling, I was able to get up. "See, all good." My chest felt like it was going to cave in and every fiber of my being threatened to implode. To make me a black hole in the middle of a bright, clean Asgardian bedroom.

"You have to work on your lying skills if you are ever going to out think Thanos and save Loki." She said clicking her tongue at me. I waved her off and walked into the bathroom to look over the damage I had caused by not following directions. My eyes were sucken in, lips thin and skin dry and pale. I was far from being on any magazine. The scariest part was the black massive circle in my chest that had lines tracing my chest. There was not a single burn mark and not a single hair left on my body.

I stood there in the bathroom trying just to scrub off all the black. I was not at all successful. Instead, I was just irratatting myself and the burn. I felt around and noticed a cracked sterum and several super pissed ribs. It was going to be a long time to get those to heal. I must have been in the bathroom a long time, because Frigg had gone and came back with robes for me. They were a rich deep black and gold with green designs.

"I had these made for you when I knew how you were connected to me and Loki. I wanted to make sure that I had everything ready for you. This is a room for you once you feel like this is your home. TYou were never meant to live in Midgard. You were to become one of us and live up here. Now, when Loki is safe and healed, then you can choose which home will be yours, but until then please consider this your safe place. This room will only open for you and I. No one else is allowed in here without your approval." She said giving me a gentle nod and I was grateful for the privacy. I hadn't had that since New York.

I walked around the room after getting dress. The wardrobe of Asgard was a hot mixture between medival dress wear and a 3-D jigsaw puzzle. There were so many layers and so much fabric that it required help to get on. Frigg watched me struggle with the robes for 30 minutes before coming over to help. "Don't worry, the boys had trouble when they first had to wear the robes. It is definitely a lot hard than it looks. I had these robes custome made for you and they will change as you need. For now, you need something to travel the palace at night and to eat in the Great hall. Once you come back here, the robes will adjust to your sleeping comfort. Loki's robes are the same way. They change to your needs. Some clothing is better for riding, others are better for seidr. All you need to do is think about your situation and they will adjust. You will get used to it soon enough and get better at it soon or later."

"Frigg, will I also have to wear a helmet?" I asked curiously. I hoped that if I did, it wasn't going to be horned like Loki's. It was shiny but the thing looked heavy and dramatic which fit him.

"Only in battle. I am sure we will get that together for you soon but right now, dinner. Your armour and weapons will be here in the morning. Odin has already ordered them while we were back on Midgard." She said walking me towards a well decorated, large chamber door that opened into my favorite room.

Upon opening the door, my heart fell to the floor. It was a large room filled with the oddest assortmetn of funiture ranging from antique desks to leather arms chairs and couches. The ceiling match the ceiling in my room, high vaulted, wrapped in gold, with marble selving mounted into the wall. There was a door to a library that was filled with a varity of books. The binding ranged from old to new, different colors, different shades showing degrees of wear, age, and use. It was a reader's heaven. The smell of books filled my lungs and I felt almost drunk. It was beautiful and felt like home. Frigg stood there looking at me as I walked through the library. It golden light bouncing all around. I wanted to read every book in here. There were moveable staircase styled ladders that reached up to the ceiling. There were several large lamps that scalded the walls, each shelf had a light of its own. She let me let me walk and see the large collection of works. Most were in different langauges or from other worlds that I didn't

"The library is shared but I figured since your astro body loves to read while you rest, it might be best to give you a door that connects right to it." She said smiling at me. She walked over and took my arm. "Come on, now is not the time for battle or books, it is the time to eat and recover."

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