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Waking up with a weird zombie doll in hand and preparing for a jump, wasn't as easy as it sounds. As the sun rose on Asgard, I knew it was getting close to rising back on Earth. Feeling my distress, Frigg smiled down to me and knelt down to my little friend.

"Since your doll is going with you, I suggest we hid him or her somewhere easy for you to get too. This necklace will do." Frigg taught me how to conceal my new little friend into a charm that could easily hide under my dog tags along with how to get my tiny friend back out when I was in distress.

"Now, my dear it is time for you to go back. Soon you will be waking and carrying on with your day. I can sense it is an important one after all. I shall send for you in a few days. Please see to it that you are ready to learn." With that I began to glow with the same golden light that had brought me here. She waved good-bye and smiled as the gate closed and I was standing in my tank top and shorts in my room.

I looked to the clock and there was no real worth in going to sleep. It would only make me more tired and I needed to be as alert as possible. Halo jumps are not easy and should never be tried without guidance or without sleep, however I didn't have a choice really. I stumbled into the bathroom for a cold shower and then to get dressed. The coffee tasted stale but it as atleast caffeine, but the toast and eggs weren't bad. Frigg told me to eat, although I didn't realized how hunger I would be.

I made my way to the plan and looked at my roommate. We looked like death as if neither one of us got sleep.

"Rough night?"

"Yeah, family called, and drama pursued" was the only answer I got. I nodded my head, but I didn't ask much after.

We got into the gear and we sat in our seats as the instructors went over the information and directions for the millionth time.

"You will freak out, you will panic, you will be scared but nothing is worth doing if you arent shitting your pants." Screamed one.

Another one barked, "I better not have to wash the ground because you couldn't pull a damn string. I hope you packed your shoots right."

A few looked worried, others looked tentatively at their gear. It was our first Halo jump. It was going to be scary but totally worth it. I looked over and saw a few soldiers looking weary and sick. I smiled and chewed on some mint gum and held my wrist's pressure point. I said a prayer to Frigg and Odin that I would be alright. I was unsure that they heard me until a warmth came over me.

"Got some extra?" My roommate asked as she pointed at my mouth. I handed her my pack and smiled as two pieces stealthy exited my pack and found the pack back in my pocket.

"Better put the wrappers somewhere save." I whispered and we both let out a giggle. Today was a make or break deal. We either did it right or died. Either way, I was praying to any gods to that could hear me and at last we hit 29,800 feet and were told to get our lives sorted. We climbed another 5,000 feet and we all took a deep breath

"Do not make me clean the fields to find your body. I do not have enough plastic bags so at least 6 of you have to make it." One instructor stated with enough sarcasm to crimple a building.

"Don't be a coward. Make the jump or I push you." One said and we knew better than to ask for clarification.

Heights were not my strong place, so I bit my lip and jumped.

I imagined my blue man and felt a tiny pull. Soon I felt the air slowly my decent and then a gold flash on my side.

"You need to learn to control your summoning. It hurts me when I ignore it." He said more passively than aggressive.

'How are you here?"

"You mortals used to worship us and apparently you have forgot my gifts. I can fly amongst other things" he snapped.

"Wait, am I still falling?" I looked around and I could still feel my jump. I began to panic but took a few breathes.

"Very good, mortal, balanced out. No, they can't see me, but you can. This is just a shadow of me. Frigg told me to answer if you called. Next time don't add the pain please or find another savior. I have other things that are preoccupying my mind and casting a Jotun form is taxing."

"So, you aren't always a horny blue man?" I ask point blank and started to laugh when I caught my mistake. I looked down to see how close the ground was and knew there wasn't going to be much more to the conversation if I wanted to survive this jump.

"Fragile things should tease something that could end them." He stared at me and then he smiled, his thin lips reveal a beautiful set of white teeth that broke through the blue "If you ever need to question my stamina, I can certainly prove it to you mortal. Keep your head about you and leave me out of your perversion."

I giggled even harder and then remembered I need to pull my chute. I pulled and then got jerked back. Safe, in the arms of the winds, I directed myself to the landing zone and happily looked at my roommate and then to the golden mist that had already disappeared.

We watched the rest land as we rubbed our knees and reset our chutes. "We weren't sure if you would remember to pull your chute but damn that was near textbook. Now, beer, food and tattoos!!" One instructor yelled.

We made it through our first jump with no casualties and now it was time to celebrate. We had two jumps and then we would be officially done. Leaning on my roommate we walked to the nearest bar and let ourselves go. Two drinks in and then we got tattoos. We weren't drunk but we definitely didn't feel the needles as much as we thought.

Mine was basic, simple lines but they were some that Frigg and Janet had taught me. My first tattoos and they were beautiful symbols that I could read.  

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