Fire and Ice

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"A keen eye both of you." She nodded. "(your name), please attended to him." Frigg commanded.

"Mother, I am fine. I don't want this half-cracked witch to –" he complained waving his hand in my general direction. He was as thrilled as I was about being assigned to each other.

"You will let (your pronoun) to treat you, otherwise you will face the wrath of a full Varinian witch" she smiled and quickly left. "I will be back and I expect you both to be professional."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to where little Friend was sitting. He had retrieved my bag from the garden while I was dealing with the royal asshat. I kissed his tiny skull and smiled "Good boy."

Taking the bag I knealt by Loki and began to roll up his sleeve. I pulled an IV kit out of my bag and smiled at the opportunity to stab him in order to save him. "This might pinch, sorry"

"So we are friends now?" he said with a bit of a laugh. I tightened the strap to help me find a vein.

"Hell no, I am doing this for Frigg." I purposely missed the vein just so I could stab him again.

"Please don't make me into a pincushion. You are a Midgardian medicine professional, please behave like it." He chided. "I am the god of lies, so don't pretend to make mistakes"

I giggled and stabbed him again. "Remember I am a half cracked person, so I can make mistakes when I want to. Now, shut up and hydrate." I said as I hung the bag from a tiny branch of the tree that he was near. IV bags worked best with a little gravity.

Following the book's directions, I found some of the herbs that was need for stomach issues. The bones could use a salve, but there was much to do besides let them heal. I turned back to him and sighed. He honestly looked like shit. He had looked sick in New York and now there was hardly any muscle or fat on him. I didn't know a person could ever look worse, but damn he tried his best.

"How long are you on Asgard?" I asked trying to sort out how much time I had.

"Not to much longer. There is nothing for me here, but I do need to regain my strength and Frigg told me one of her students could help, I just didn't think she was so sadistic to partner me with someone in the infancy of (your pronoun) training or that hated me with such passion." He said with a smirk.

"I don't hate you that much. Just more than some." I said crushing the leaves and roots. There was a mortor and pesal within the garden. It felt just like home when I used to cook. I smiled and then glanced back at him. The IV was dripping at a turtles pace and he was squirming to much.

"How much longer until I am free from my plastic bind?" He whined playing with the plastic tube that connected to the drip. He winced as he moved the plastic tube which moved the needle in his arm.

"Leave it alone so it can do its work." I said looking at him. I tucked his shirt and smirred the salve on his ribs, chest, and shoulder. I quickly created the other paste and took it in my finger. "Open wide, prince charming" I said slowly getting more annoyed with his petty actions and words.

"My mother used to make it look, smell and taste good using honey and spices. Maybe you could-" I shoved it in his mouth and held his jaw closed until he swallowed. His eyes bore into me with disproval.

"Good boy. You get all my undying love and praise for taking your medicine" I chided, my voice dripping with sarcasm. My eyes rolled at him which displeased him.

While the night was already going so well, I made the mistake of walking from the shadow of the tree to where Little Friend and the books sat quietly. Taking them both over to the tree, we began to read. Little friend practiced the hand motion while I reviewed the texts. The main issue with magical texts is all the side effects to you, the other person, and the planet are always after the spells or ingredients.

"Why am I so tired?" Loki asked looking at me slightly annoyed and drowsy.

" I put some Valerian root in the paste I feed you. You haven't slept in weeks and you will need your rest if you are to continue your run from Thanos." I said matter of factly.

His eyes widened as the name hovered in the air. "How do you know him? Do you work for him?"

"Hell no, I found his name when I walked through your mind and astro projection. It was interesting to see the almighty Loki scared of a man that looks like Davy Jones had sex with a purple Gusher."He looked very confused and I couldn't help but laugh. "Maybe watch some midgardian movies some time and you might get it."

We sat there in the bearly lite garden. Some of the plants gave off their own light. If I had better company, it might have even been romantic. I sat there reading, every once in a while looking at the Iv and then him. He was looking a little better.

"Can I ask you something?" I whispered into the darkness.

"Well, its not like I can stop you." He grunted. King of sarcasm, god of lies, and destroyer of my life.

"Why did you come to Midgard and destroy it?" I asked quietly.

"Is that sentiment I hear?" He said glancing at me. I looked away as he sighed. "The plan was never to destroy, but to rule as a benevoilent god. Giving you technology, resources, and law to follows."

"Ahh, so helping an alien race invade was your way of helping?" I said glancing over to him.

"Look, I don't answer to half breeds. You know nothing of pain." He snapped.

I lost it and grabbed his cold thin hand. I showed him how I experienced his attack on New York and made sure he saw Janet disappear. I heard a choke from him and I let go of his hand but left my feelings dwell that for him to soak. "That is just part of what I experienced from your benevoilent rule. Your Majesty." I said coldly as a tear dripped on to the submitting and sending spell.

"She was a mother to you? It wasn't my intention-" his emotions tried and failed to temper my anger.

"Its over. Just save it" I cut him off. I didn't want to hear it.

"I'm sorry" was all he said and for the first time in a long time, it felt like the words actually meant something. We left it there and for a while the silence of the night was between up

A voice broke the silence of the night. "Well, don't we have a garden party here tonight." A man in golden robes spoke from the arch way near that attached the garden and the palace. "A traitor, a mutt, and a ragdoll. What are you three doing together?"

Across the Stars (Loki X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon