Mission to Mission

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Every evening Frigg found me. She would teach me different spells and battle moves that they used on Asgard. After another late Skype call, Frigg joined me. She seemed to be growing more anxious each day. Her form would flicker as if her mind were a million miles away.

"Frigg, is something the matter?" I asked looking at her as her form flit and broke.

"No, its nothing" she said looking at me. "Who am I kidding you can read me. It just my sons. I worry about them. Both of them. All mothers worry about their children. No matter how old they get, or the amount of trouble they are in, or where is the universe they are." She said with a sigh "I miss them. Thor is battling some machine on Midgard with his little group of friends."

I wished I could offer her some comfort or warp her emotions to feeling happy, but that would be pointless. We would walk away from the lesson and the cold, bitter pain of being alone would come right back in.

"Are you ready for your lesson?" she asked hoping that the night could begin.

"Have you heard anything from Loki? Has there been any news?" I asked hoping not to sound desperate. I wanted to make sure I didn't have Jotun blood on my hands.

"Every day and every night the same prayer and the same question. My youngest son has had an effect on you my dear student. My dear, I regret to say that I am once again sorry with the lack of news. There has been nothing. No word, no death notice, no Scrying, no astro or dream projections. If I had heard or ever hear from him, I will let you know. I don't even know where to find him or even when to start the search again to try to find him. Do you remember where you sent him?"

"I would rather not have royal blood on my hands Frigg. I worry for him because when we were in the garden, I could feel his pain and I accessed his memories. I know that it is forbidden but it happened before I knew the laws, so please don't be mad." I said quickly hoping she wouldn't be mad.

"With all you have done, I think illegal memory walking is the least offensive, although I don't think Loki enjoyed it. The first time anyone does it, it can be really triggering and can hurt both people. Tell me, what did you feel?"

"Mostly just cold, rejection, fear, and rage. He was hollow pass that, but I hope that he might feel more than that one day."

"As do I. He has been through a lot in his brief time alive. He surely has a lot to learn and grow. I am hopefully that forgiveness is waiting to welcome him once he has healed and finds his way to find it."

"Forgiveness is there now that I know it wasn't him. I am sure the world will understand once they know what happen. I hope that Thor-" I stopped mid-sentence because a knock on my door.

"Hey (your name), I know this is down time but," a heavy sigh came from the voice that broke my dark tranquility, that broke the unspoken conversation between student and teacher. "I hope I am not disturbing you. We have new orders to move. We are going to guide in and halo jump to the site. HQ didn't send me much, besides it's a mass casualty Avenger mess and that the tar mat is will be ready in two hours. Wrap up any last-minute reports and say your good-byes. From what I know, its unlikely that we will return because Valeria said it looks like hell."

I nodded and let out another sigh. "Out of the political frying pan and into the fire of Hell sponsored by the Avengers." I said then looking at Frigg. "Looks like we are on the move again. I will let you know when I am ready." I smiled. She knew I had little choice, but I was doing the work that many people neglected to care about.

"I will leave you to it. See you in a few so we can make the drive" said the Captain. She was a pretty woman. A little on the short end and a definitely missing some tender, love, or care. She made one help of a captain though. I trusted her enough to get my job done.

I simply nodded. I didn't want to go. I had settled comfortably here. I had all the children, and they were safe and learning. Of course, just more people who want to play god messed up my slightly enjoyable job. This had been the first mission that didn't require a halo jump, fighting, killing, or healing battle wounds. I let out a sigh and looked back at Frigg. She smiled and nodded.

"If you see Thor or Loki, please tell them I love them and that I miss them terribly." Frigg said looking at me.

"You know I will. I promise on my life and my honor that I will tell them. I will also tell them, if and when I see them, to contact you."

"Thank you" she said "Be safe my dear student."

"I will my queen and teacher" I said as I waved good-bye to her. The imagine flickered and faded. Her form drifting further from me. The golden glow soon disappear into the darkness of my little room, until just a few sparks like fireflies danced and slowly shrunk until they died and left me alone again. The darkness filled my room and let out a small sigh. There was no one here who understood or helped me. No one to care if I died saving the lives of people ignored by the media. My bag had to be packed and everything must be checked to make sure it was in before I left. I was lucky that most nights I spent writing my reports and recording notes regarding the people here in Azerbaijan. I sighed and sat up in the darkness. The bags were easy to pack and the reports just needed a look over before I sent them to Headquarters. I opened my laptop and submitted them. Valeria would correct me if something was not perfect, but I had to run to the new mission. After years of doing this, I was never ready to go. 

Across the Stars (Loki X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt