Rooms and Welcomes

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I don't remember falling asleep or leaving the Zen garden, but I woke up on the tile of one of the hallways looking out to the night's sky. I sat there and counted the stars, trying to count as many as I could before the dawn stole them away from me. I whimpered feeling a searing pain and the still constant panic that had settled deep in my chest.

A hand grabbed my shoulder and I turned to face the red man and a woman that had red tracing around her. "Hello, (your name). My name is Vision and this is Wanda. We have been looking for you all evening. Are you alright?"

I just sit there nodding as I looked at the stars. More and more faded into the light of the approaching dawn. Normally, dawn brought hope but this dawn just brought the miserable,inevitable realty to accept this direction and fate. I was to be an Avenger, I would to lose my job and my career goals, I was to be the balance to Loki. There was little to do besides blanking accepting the new life ahead of me. Wanda and Vision sat besides me. I felt numb, cold, worried, and exhausted. I must have been awake all night only to regain control of myself now.

"What were you doing?" she asked looking ahead through the glass.

"Counting the stars. It was something a friend used to help me do when we were frustrated."

"Oh what is her name?" She asked gently.

"Her name was Janet. She has joined those who died before us." I said staring ahead. My thoughts stuck in the lack of funeral we had for her. I had a ring she had given me and I wore it on my dog tags. I missed her and I missed everyone. A new wave of tears glided down my cheek bones. I was alone and being a seidr weilder came with the terrible curse of being mostly alone. "I am sure you know what it is like. From what I can read of you, you lost someone close to you recently. Was it a parent or sibling?"

"My brother, but how did you know?" She asked looking at me worried.

"It one of my many party tricks. Its fine to be nervous and afraid. I wouldn't be surprised or blame you."

"Trust me, I had the same issue with my powers. The last couple weeks, I have been working on controlling them and using them for good." She offered trying to make me feel safe.

"You are not Asgardian like Thor nor are you human. What are you?" Vision asked. He seemed not to care about the raw pain in the air. He wasn't intuned to the nature of the conversation.

"I don't even know anymore. All I know is I can control emotions and heal. I am a Seidrbender but Thor calls me a withc for short. Pass that, I am sure you would know more about my genetic and chemical makeup. I am just a pawn like everyone else. We are doomed to fate's storyline no matter how much we want to to change it." I choked out. The silence covered and settled in. I counted the remaining stars as their lights died. My arms ached and soon that brought my back to gravity of my situation. I looked at my arms and they were covered in cuts and scratches. They were fresh and stung a little as I pulled my sleeves over them. I hated when people stared at me. Cutting and scratching was the way I handled the worse anxiety. I blacked out and my body went into autopilot.

"Do they hurt?" Wanda asked looking at me. I shook my head no. "Okay then why don't we get you some food? You probably haven't eaten in a while."

She spoke gently and I smiled. She offered me her hand and I took it. I felt like a child but for the moment I just needed to rest and reset myself. I had been through a lot and I knew more was coming around the corner. I walked with her and kept my mouth shut. They lead me to the cafeteria and my eats widen when I say all the different types of American classical food. My mouth watered and I looked at her. "Go and eat. I would take it slow since you haven't eaten in a while."

I nodded my head and headed for the chicken noodle soup and the pesto pasta. It had been so long since I had fatty, carb heavy American food. It felt good to grab a bowl and settle into a chair with food that felt like a hug. I smelt the classic salty, veggie, and chicken. I sipped the broth first and felt the warmth. It spread around me and made me feel a bit better. I had had every type of chicken noodle soup from almost every country and Asgard, but nothing beat the kind made in the American kitchen where there were so many veggies, herbs, and spices that made the simple dish deep with flavor.

"Is the soup helping?" she said grabbing some food and sitting with me.

"Yes, but where did Vision go?" I asked looking for him. I didn't want him to come back until I could answer his questions.

"He went to talk to the others. Just to let them know that you were eating and exploring the compound. We moved out here instead of the Stark Tower. It was more spacious which gave us a better medical bay. It looks like you are recovering." She smiled offering some comfort which made me giggle. Someone offereing the comforter comfort, it never normally happens.

"When do I meet with everyone? I am sure they will want to know whats going on and why Thor is gone." I tried to mentally prepare for a meeting today.

"Thor is back from Asgard and he brought someone who you my know." She smiled. "When you are ready, the others will be make a meeting. Trust me, there is no rush to learn about you until you are ready."

"There is an issue of great importance, that requires emergency attention. I don't mean to be forceful but I need to talk to them."

"You can join the meeting that they are having in a few hours but only if I feel that you are strong enough. Vision is coming back and he is more particular and judgemental on fitness. You will need me to help you get pass him and into that meeting. Eat up and drink." She said giving me an obvious nod and smile. She must have had similar issues when she arrived on base. It was nice to meet someone similar to me and that wanted a friend. Gods knew I needed them to navigate this compound along with the the group. We sat and ate more bowls of pasta, soup and a plate of grilled veggies. I smiled at her and felt a calm and peaceful presence. It was good to relax and let my guard down. Finally, a little peace. 

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