Wake Up Failed

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"Thor please get off of (your pronoun)" spoke a cool, calm, voice. Tony Stark and a red man came into view. Only to disappear as I closed my eyes and threw up over the side of the bed.

A doctor rushed in and ordered them all out. "Hey, sorry about them. They don't understand patient rest and recovery." He said with a smile. "Here, lets get you into a new gown and I will have maintenance clean up."

"Doc, I am really dizzy and I think I am going to be sick" Too late the bile was already pass my lips before I could finish my warning.

"Okay, sit here and I will grab a nurse to help" he sat me in a chair a quickly left. A young nurse came in and gave me a smile.

"I am going to put you in a wheel chair and wheel you into the bathroom to get you cleaned up." She transferred me and then helped me wash up. I was mostly out of it, but I was able to get into a pair of scrubs instead of the gown which made me happy. "Thank you for the scrubs" I said almost bleching.

"No problem. These gown suck and I am sure you will be out of here once your stomach and head settle down." She said. "But until you are ready, there will be no visitors. Clearly, they can't handle it."

I nodded and burped. We both giggled and she helped me into a clean bed. The room smelt like pine cleaning solution. It hurt to breath it in. I hadn't been around it in over a year. It stung my nose and made my eyes water.

"Are you okay?" the nurse asked. "I swear it was just cleaning solution."

"Its fine. I just haven't been around it in a long time. Its been along time since I have been in a sterilized hospital." I said barely higher than a whisper.

"Oh, I see. When was the last time you had been in contact with the civil world of soaps, floor cleaner, and clean sheets?"

"Like these kinds of clean? About three years." I said as my body slowly adjusted to the smell. "I hate to push you and me but I must talk to Thor. Do you mind getting him for me?"

"Sure I will call for him, but until he comes please rest. You have been through a lot and your vitals have been all over the place. Its going to be a quick but rough recovery. I will grab another IV for you."

"Thank you. I think I might just close my eyes until my head feels a bit better." I said yawning and getting comfortable in a hospital bed. It wasn't comfortable but I was used to being uncomfortable. This felt like a cloud compared to my bed bad in Azerbaijan. It didn't take long for sleep to cocoon me and for me to drift into sleep. For the longest time, my sleep was dreamless until Frigg popped in.

"Hello little one. I see you are feeling the wonderful effects of seidr exhaustion along with normal exhaustion. While I would normally mother you, but I am not mad. It is an experience that we all must have as those who use their seidr."

"I talked to Loki. I found him." I croaked out. "He said he was sorry. Oh Frigg he is so sorry. He never meant any of it."

"I know, Trust me he has said fair worst." She smiled. "Have you found and told Thor?"

"He shook the hell out of me and he got pulled out of the room before I could. I asked the nurse to have him come up so we can talk."

"Thank you. It gives me easy that Loki can talk to someone. Especailly you. Pairing you too took a lot of work but I am glad it worked." She smiled and looked at me thoughtfully. "You will balance him out and help him heal."

"Who said that? Do I look like a hospital or asylum for the broken and destroyed? I am not a rehab clinic Frigg."

"You misunderstand, people like us always temper the wild ones. Odin was bloodthristy and full of rage. With me, he has tempered his behavior, He does it to please me and to rule properly. He is wise enough to listen to his partner to be successful. It didn't matter how you were born this is your destiny. Fate bound you together. That's why you can see him when you call to him and when he is wounded, you can find him after getting a push." She said smiling.

"Frigg, this doesn't make any sense"

"I said the same when my father gave me to Odin. A man I knew hardly anything about besides his wrath and bloodlust. At least you are sense all the things Loki has been through. You may not like or love him now, but when you both have healed then maybe you will. Trust the fates and don't forget to tell Thor about Loki and to talk to me."

"I will my queen, but please tell me how to find him and how to heal" I begged for her guidance.

"Physician find thy books and heal thyself." She mused. "Rest mostly and eat a well balanced meal. Trust me, Loki had the same growing pains. We all do. His first time trapped him in Odin's bath chamber when he was bathing. While the servants and I were amused Odin and Loki were more embarrassed then anything. At least you had people to help and blamed general exhaustion."

"True but Thor recognized it. I sent him medicine to help with it. I always packed it in his bag."

"Of course he did, I taught him the signs that way if Loki ever suffered from it during battle, Thor could help him. Rest now and find my son when you have recovered enough."

She disappeared and I was left in the darkness of a dreamless sleep. The void sucking the remaining conciousness away. It was time to heal and reset. I was safe and only need to deliver a message. I couldn't think on Frigg's words. I knew she was right and that we had a connection but I didn't want to admitted it, however no matter how much I tried, her words echoed in my mind. The connection, fates, what did it all mean? How could a midgardian be connected with Loki, the God of Lies, a Jotun raised on Asgard. The words and questions stirred more thoughts and more questions. I wouldn't have answers until I talked to Thor and Frigg but I was in no condition to astro-project. I had no choice but to rest.

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