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Months Later.....


"How many times do I have to tell you not to leave an empty carton in the refrigerator, when you see its almost gone don't bother putting back in there damn you so complicated" Tori say to me as she wobble her way back in the front room.

I can't handle her when them hormones kick in one minute she's happy then turn around and snap on my ass.

"My bad baby I won't do it again" I sat next to her and pull her legs onto my lap as I start rubbing her feet.

"Look at me I'm getting fat" Tori say while rubbing her stomach.

"You not big yet just got a little bump that's all, you still look good though".

"Stop trying to butter me up, I want some strawberries and whip cream. Do you mind running to the store and get me some" she say grabbing my hand.

"Sure I would get it for you, what do I get in return"? I ask while moving my eyebrows up and down.

"If you want to stay on my good side I advise you to get up and go get my stuff I ask for".

I gave her a peck on the cheek and grab my keys off the table and left out the door, I was happy that she took me back now Justin on the other hand we still not cool with each other and I'm fine with that he'll come around sooner or later.

My start ringing and I already knew it was Tori....

"Yes my love" I say walking in the store.

"Stop with the sweet talk, hurry and get back we need to be getting ready for well you know".

"Oh yeah I forgot about that okay" I ended the call grab the strawberries and peanut butter got in line paid for the stuff and left out the store.


"He just walk in the house I'll see you in a bit, alright bye" I got off the phone with Kay and CJ come bringing me the bag.

I pull out the strawberries and peanut butter. "CJ I said whip cream not peanut butter how could you forget it" I got up from the couch and went to go get dress I lost my appetite.

"Oh I was rushing to get back here you know how you get, and I figure if I would've call and ask you what did you say again you was going to chew my ass out about how I don't listen to you".

He did have a point I been moody lately towards CJ when I really don't mean it. I'm quite sure he understands that its the pregnancy talking.

"I still love you though, now get ready August should be already at the place" I tell him then went on to get ready.


"That ass is looking right in that dress" Justin said while watching me as I was looking in the mirror.

"Take a picture it'll last long" I turn to smirk at him.

"Ight don't start something you can't finish, you lucky we don't have time cause if we did that dress would be a whole new style".

"Whatever" I say as I walk pass him to get Kalonnie ready.

"Momma where are we going again"? Kalonnie ask while I was braiding the last braid.

"It's a surprise for your cousin Jay you'll see once we get there, put your shoes on so we can go and tell your daddy to come on before we leave him".

Soon as she left to do what I told her to do I sent August a text saying that we was on our way.


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