Chapter 2

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Sitting in the metal chair, I remain quiet as Black Widow sits in front of me with a thin file in hand. I can sense someone watching me beyond the mirror, making me nervous but still. Opening the file, she reads over it, "Sol Macias, adopted daughter of Ava and José Macias, your real parents are unknown. You're 22 years old and were found on July 15th and have lived in New York for all of your life. Not surprised you're abilities aren't on there."

She looks at me, closing the file, "Would you like to elaborate on how you obtained them?"

Looking up at him, I fiddle with my fingers, "I've always had them since I was a little girl. My parents..."

I grow sad at the thought of them, leaving a sad smile to rest on my face. "They knew about them and helped me keep them secret; they didn't want to lose me."

"And where are they now?"

There's a long pause before I answer quietly. "They're dead."

The air grew thick, tense, leaving both of us quiet before I continue. "They got crushed during the battle; they saved me, pushed me out the way before I could be hurt."

With another pause, she speaks up softly, "I'm sorry for your lost."

Standing, she leaves me alone once more; staring at the empty table, I take a breath. I don't know how long it's been since the battle, but I can't help but feel tired. My mind drifts off to Loki; that's what Thor calls him anyway. I wish I could be mad, feel rage when I think of him, but I can't seem to muster it. I know deep down he's being controlled, or at least was.

Looking at my hands, wondering how and why I did what I did. I don't know exactly what happened, but I know his eyes changed colors, along with his features and demeanor. 

I get pulled out of my thoughts when the door opens again. Looking up, I gulp at the sight of the one-eyed man known as Fury. Sitting down in front of me, with a tablet in hand, I straighten up, feeling a bit intimidated.

"This is what we pulled from the battle, Ms. Macias."

Placing the tablet in front of me, I watch as it places various shots of me fighting off the monsters that terrorize New York. I could see the pain in my eyes; it gave me chills watching as I ruthlessly kill them, the ones who caused the buildings the fall around me. The video comes to an end, making me look up at Fury.

"You have potential; with powers like yours, you could use them for good. You'd be in the right hands. Fighting the bad guys so that what happened to your parents won't happen to anyone else. "

I frown, hearing his words; it left a bad taste in my mouth from how he uses my deceased parents to persuade me. Analyzing his words, I quickly pick up that there might be others who could wish to take me because of my powers. That's why I hide them, to keep myself and them safe. But look where that brought me, maybe if I use them, they wouldn't have...

Looking up at him, I notice his mouth moving, but it fails to meet my ears. I wonder, what else is for me? I could finish school but then what. If it was so easy for him to get this footage, then how easy would it be for someone else to get them? If I say no, what would he do to me?

I guess it's time to accept that my life will no longer be the same. My eyes grow heavy, my shoulders drop, I lean back, feeling almost empty.


He stops midsentence, "You made the right Sol. You'll be staying at the tower; your training will start tomorrow after Loki's departure."

I nod, but he continues, "By the way, what did you do to him? In the cell?"

I thought for a moment before answering blankly, "I just cleared his mind. I don't know how I did it or why but I did."

Looking at me for a second, he stands before walking out. Black Widow returns with a key in hand; unlocking my cuffs, I rub my wrist.

"I'll show you to your room."

Nodding, the walk is quiet as I follow her through the halls and up the elevator. Once on the top floor, I notice the others staring at me. Keeping my head forward, I notice someone walk over to me; turning, I look up to see Thor.

"Lady Sol, I apologize for striking you with my hammer. I acted too harshly upon my first meeting with me."

I nod my head respectfully, "It's fine, I understand."

Continuing forward, I finally make it to my room. Thanking the red-haired woman, I enter my room and close the door behind me. 

Looking around, it seems pretty bare; all it had was an empty bookshelf, a desk, a drawer, and a bed. Walking over to the bed, I lay down on top of the covers. Relaxing, I feel tears spill from my eyes, curling into myself, silence my screams, breaking down as everything weighs down on me heavily. 

Staring at the wall blankly as tears fall from my eyes, I close my eyes slowly, allowing the darkness to hold me.

Next Day 

I stand in a plain gray shirt and tights that Natasha provided me with. After the short greeting from everyone, we went to bid Loki and Thor farewell. Standing a few feet away from the group, I watch as they converse. Looking at the sky, I feel someone looking at me. Finding the source, I look down to see Loki staring at me calmly.

Feeling a bit nervous, I wave my hand softly; before I could see his reaction, a glowing light sucks the two up. My hand falls as I look up to the sky; I wonder if I'll see him again. Noticing the others beginning to leave, I follow Natasha as we make our way back to the tower. 

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