Chapter 37

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Death, heartbreak, triumph, these were the emotions Thanos felt as he added the Soul Stone to his collection. As he felt the loss of his own daughter that he loved so. It cost him everything, and he intended to finish it, even if it means destroying his own heart. 

The battle for Vision stone was coming near as Shuri began to work on extracting it and the others prepared for the pending battle. The Troops line up, ready for battle as the monsters rolled in like a pack of wolves. Forced to open the barrier, the war began, and oh, the bodies fell. 

Across the stars, Thor is inflicted with the power of a star as his ax is forged by the lonesome dwarf. His skin burns as the metal melts, molding perfectly. On the edge of life, Thor lays there; Groot finds a spark of courage as he pushes through the pain and forges the handle. Thor opens his hand, drawing his power, before emerging on earth to face the war.

Loki and the others hide, watching, waiting for the right moment to strike Thanos in his once beautiful home. Getting the signal, Tony flies towards him, only for Thanos to bend reality to send sending birds to swarm him. Peter shoots his webs, enabling his sight while Drax and Strange strike him. Quill joins them along with Loki, with the help of Strange, as he opens and closes his portals, allowing them to move freely. Loki tries to find an opening only to get pushed back. 

His second daughter joins in the fight, Strange ties him down along with Drax and Peter; the others join in, Loki helps take off the gauntlet. Quill quickly finds out that Thanos killed Grimora, Tony tries to calm him down, but Quill loses control, leading to Thano overpowering Tony and Loki. Both get tossed back; it was too late. All of them were defeated by him as he began to bring down the pieces of his crumbled moon. 

With Wanda on the battlefield, Vision is in desperate need of backup. As many as possible rush to his aid, and by the end of Vision transgression, the rest of Thanos' children have fallen dead. The war is far from over as the other on Titans try to deal with Thanos. Strange faces him alone, using every spell he knows. The amulet gets taken by Thano's, but he quickly realizes it's a fake, and so was he, thanks to Loki's illusions. Tossing him to the side, Tony steps up to the plate, making him bleed only a drop of blood; his power isn't enough as he's stabbed by his own blade. 

Coughing out blood, Thanos prepares to end him only for Strange to speak up, "Stop. Spare his life, and I will give you the stone."

"No tricks."

He shakes his head, holding out his hand, the stone appears. Giving it to him, they knew they lost this battle, as Thanos takes the stone, leaving the failed heroes behind. Appearing on earth, with the last stone in his sight, he creeps over, stopping anyone that gets in his way. 

As they try to stop him, Wanda began to feel unimaginable pain. Having to take the life of her own love, she cries in anguish. Walking over to the dead man, he rewinds the time, reconstructing him and taking the stone. 

As he ripped it out of his head, a ball of light shoots from the sky, sending out a large burst of energy through Wakanda as it lands on the land. Strong enough to push, Thanos and the stone in his hand flying backward. With the stone on the ground and Thanos far from it, the cocoon of light blooms, unfolding to reveal the ascended God that now roamed the earth. 

Opening her eyes, Sol looks around the battlefield releasing a small burst of her magic as the plants grow and the aliens around her fall to the ground dead. Sensing the stones, she calls the one hidden in the green grass.

As the mind stone hovers in her hands, she smiles, seeing the love and memories it stores along with the power that has festered longer than any lifetime. Floating towards Thanos, he holds up his gauntlet only for his mind to fester. 

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